Recently, one can recognize an increased awareness in the object-oriented research community with respect to the role of software architectures. Examples of this can, among others, be found in object-oriented frameworks and design patterns. In the call for papers for the workshop, the following topics were identified where software architecture, patterns and frameworks should be studied in more detail: – Building OO software architectures: How can design patterns, frameworks and components be included in the traditional object-oriented analysis and design? How are architecture constraints processed to build OO software architectures? Which techniques can help to build an OO architecture that supports reuse and is scalable? – Language role in architecture: What is the role of a particular object-oriented language when designing an architecture? – Architecture documentation: It has been suggested that design patterns can be used to document the design and rationale of an object-oriented architecture. How well does this work in practice? – OO architectural styles: What is the relation between the architectural styles of Garlan and Shaw and OO design? – Composition of architectures: Since object-oriented frameworks are an accepted technology within the software industry, the composition of two or more frameworks in an application occurs increasingly often. The composition may be far from trivial and the problems that may appear as well as solutions should be investigated.