In this study, qualitative content analysis was used in order to understand the reported changes of life perspective in interviews with 59 women with breast cancer who were admitted to complementary care. The aim of this research was to study women's perceived consequences as well as perceived causes of breast cancer and to explore aspects of importance to the women. The material was collected in semistructured interviews from women with breast cancer at different stages of the disease. The women received complementary care at an anthroposophic clinic in Sweden. Findings showed that these women's view of their relationships with others grew more valuable. Their self-confidence and experience of strength improved, and they regarded life as being more enriched. A change in their disposition towards becoming more fragile and low-spirited was experienced as a hardship by the women. Am interesting finding was that the patients described the aetiology of the disease from several interacting perspectives, which also affected their ideas of how to achieve wellbeing and health. The findings support the view that changes of both benefit and harm are present in the experience of breast cancer.