In the paper we propose a robust approach towards context dependant information modelling supporting trustworthy information exchange. Shortcomings and challenges of present approaches of syntax-based information modelling in dynamic context are identified. Basic principles are introduced and used to provide a robust approach towards meeting some of those challenges. The approach has a main aim of reducing brittleness of context dependant information and enabling intelligible information handling in distributed environments. The application domain is Emergency Service Centres, where the distributed handling of emergency calls in life critical situations of future change is in focus. The main contribution in the paper is a principled approach of use of abbreviations in dynamic emergency situations. Points of interaction for coordination are introduced as a tool supporting mappings of abbreviations between different contexts.
I denna artikel föreslår vi ett robust angreppssätt för kontext beroende informations delning i distribuerade miljöer. Begränsningar och utmaningar i dagens syntax baserade angreppssätt av informations modellering är identifierat. Vårt angreppssätt reducerar skörheten i kontext beroende information och ger ett hållbart angreppssätt för distribuerade miljöer.