The studies' purpose was to investigate mood/emotional well-being in people with dementia living in their ordinary homes where they are most commonly cared for by their relatives, with special focus on the relationships between mood and stage of dementia, functional dependency and receiving support from a next of kin in daily personal care, and finally, the association between family caregivers feelings of burden, self-reported health, and mood of the patient. Baseline survey from a small longitudinal study, the Dementia in Blekinge Study (DIBS). 64 persons (53 % female) with a suspected or diagnosed dementia disease and 58 family caregivers (68 % female) participated. Data was collected by dementia nurses during a house call. Measurements used were: Mini Mental test and Clocktest (cognitive functioning); Berger scale (grade of dementia); Patient Mood Assessment Scale (mood-emotional well-being); ADL-staircase (dependency in activities); COPE index (career support, health and well-being). The results showed that a person with a moderate dementia who was dependent on help from others for personal care, was more often reported to have a bad mood. 28 % of the informal caregivers giving regular support answered that they quite often, or almost always, experienced it as a burden. There was a significant correlation between age and feeling burdened. Patient's children acting as caregivers more often reported themselves as feeling burdened by the role. Correlation between next of kin’s feelings of burden, and patient’s mood and emotional reactions, was weak.