Aims and objectives: To describe and analyse to what extent the goals of the education in promoting culturally competent nursing care have been achieved from a student perspective. B: As Sweden has transformed into a multicultural society over the past 50 years, there is a need to specify, at all levels of the nursing programme, transcultural concepts for the success of integration. A research-based didactic model was designed for the nursing programme at Malmö University and this was followed by investigations of its outcome. Method: The study is a prospective cohort study with an outcome analysis. A descriptive research study with a longitudinal design was performed, with the focus on Swedish nursing students´experiences of transcultural nursing knowledge and their attitudes before and after implementation of the didactic model. The students evaluate highly their competence to meet demands of multicultural health and medical service. Additionally, their ability to recognise and understand the consequences of international migration on health also received a high mean. Conclusions: The study revealed the knowledge and experience acquired by Swedish students in transcultural nursing. The assumption was that a visible development of knowledge should occurduring the three years of education. Interpreting the findings, such effectiveness can be found and hopefully the students will be able to give holistic nursing care based on a person's individual culture.
Utvärdering med hjälp av enkäter till studenter i det 3-åriga sjuksköterskeprogrammet visar att implementering av en forskningsbaserad didaktisk modell för att undervisa om kulturkongruent omvårdnad har effekt. Studenternas självvärdering visar att de anser att de har högre kompetens att möta kraven från en multikulturell hälso- och sjukvård. Förmågan att känna igen och förstå konsekvenserna av internationell migration skattar de också högt.