For the detection of impulse radio (IR) UWB signals, RAKE receivers or transmitted reference (TR) autocorrelation receivers can be used. The complexity of RAKE receiver increases significantly when the number of received multipath components is large. The TR scheme is a low-complexity alternative as it does not require channel estimation. However, there is a performance loss associated with the low-complexity TR scheme. The recursive structures of the conventional TR and averaged TR schemes are presented to improve the detection performance of IR-UWB signals. The performance of proposed schemes is evaluated over the standard IEEE 802.15.4a multipath channels. The performance is compared with conventional TR receivers in terms of uncoded bit-error-rate (BER), assuming that the channel is quasi-static. For averaged and recursive averaged TR schemes, the TR sequence is also slightly modified. The simulation results validate that the proposed schemes have better performance by about 2 dB than the conventional TR and averaged TR receivers.