In this paper we analyze how a proposed Swedish Road User Charging (RUC) system for differentiated distance based taxation affects the corporate confidentiality of haulers. Each hauler needs to equip all their vehicles with an On-Board Unit (OBU) that continuously send position readings back to a central server, which then is used to calculate the taxation. The fact that the system gather, process, and store information about where the vehicles travel introduce threats to the haulers corporate confidentiality, e.g. if the position data leak to competitors. We describe threats to various parts of the RUC system, together with protective measures. In the end of the paper we discuss the impact on corporate confidentiality if such a RUC system is introduced, e.g. how would the leakage of position data affect transports conveying sensitive goods such as medical drugs or consumer electronics.
Analys av integritetsaspekter kopplade till det svenska vägskattesystemet.