Developing Quality through Measuring Usability--The UTUM Test PackageShow others and affiliations
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2007 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed) PublishedAlternative title
Att utveckla kvalité genom att mäta användbarhet : UTUM testpaketet (Swedish)
Abstract [en]
This paper presents a tool for building quality of use into software and the software process, in the form of a test package for mass market devices. It is developed for measuring user experience, which is seen as a more encompassing term than usability. The test package, which is under constant development, is the result of a long term cooperation between industry and academia, and is in use in indutrial development projects. It shows usability through the use of metrics, for efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction, supported by qualitative judgements made by a test leader/usability expert. It gives a clear demonstration of quality, from the customer and end-user point of view. The case presented here, where the test has been performed concurrently in two countries, has been a quality assurance of the test package, which has been found to work efficiently and flexibly in a complex industrial environment, with complicated relationships between customers, partners and end-users.
Abstract [sv]
Artikeln presenterar ett sätt att bygga in användningskvalité i mjukvara och mjukvaruprocesser, genom att använda ett testpaket för mobiltelefoner. Testpaketet är ett resultat av ett långt samarbete mellan industrin och akademin. Den påvisar användbarhet med hjälp av mätningar av användarhetsaspekter, som kompletteras med testledarens subjektiva bedömning. Artikeln är baserad på tester som har utförts parallelt i två länder. Vi har funnit att testet har fungerat i en komplicerad industriell miljö med komplicerade förhållanden mellan kunder, partners och slutanvändare. Användbarhet, mätningar, kvalité, UTUM
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Minneapolis, MN, USA: IEEE , 2007.
Keywords [en]
usability, user experience, metrics, quality, UTUM
National Category
Software Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-8888Local ID:, id: diva2:836659
WoSQ'07: ICSE Workshops 2007
Published via IEEE,
2012-09-182007-10-022018-01-11Bibliographically approved