In order to meet user expectations in an ITS environment, services need efficient support from the underlying communication systems. Seamless communication is an important functionality in these systems. The PIITSA project, a research and demonstration project mainly funded by Vinnova the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, aims at a communication concept that delivers this seamless functionality. A framework for seamless communication has been outlined and during 2006 this concept has been evaluated. This paper presents the framework, results from the evaluation, and outlines the demonstration ahead.
Pappret beskriver ansatsen och resultaten inom VINNOVA-sponsrade PIITSA projektet för att möjliggöra sömlös kommunikation inom ITS området (Network Selection Box), vilket innebär automatisk val av och byte mellan nätverk. Sömlös kommunikation, mobila tjänster, automatiskt nätverksval, ITS