A discussion of complex IT development processes is presented by means of an evaluation of a major development project in the county of Blekinge?its aim was to create jobs and enhance dynamism in the region on a platform of information and communication technology. The public image of the Blekinge region in southern Sweden has changed during the last five to ten years from a region in deep crisis to a dynamic region with special attention on information technology. In a EU context Blekinge has been successful in launching the region as a full-scale laboratory, which was aided by a complete structure of the region and by its smallness (150,000 inhabitants) in order to develop and change the society. A number of competences are necessary to evolve complex understandings and make them a suitable basis for different kinds of strategy decisions and further development. Gender research has relevant expertise to contribute in various fields. There is a technical university (Blekinge Institute of Technology) in the region. This university is nationally unique in its profile in that it combines a focus on applied IT with developing a praxis for distributed knowledge production, with three chief actors?the university, regional authorities, and industry. The technical faculty of Blekinge Institute of Technology includes a division for IT and gender research. The scientists at the division are committed to developing complex understandings of IT as a reality producing technology and of the dominating transformations following in its footsteps.