The fuzzy technique revealed in this paper is a new attempt of solving the problem of appreciating the effectiveness level of a medicine when using it against the symptoms typical of a morbid unit. To obtain a satisfactory result, a fuzzy relation with elements equal to fuzzy numbers in L-R representation is introduced. The fuzzy numbers that appear in the relation replace the verbal expressions decided by physicians in accordance with the definition of the relation. The fuzzy relation filled with the fuzzy numbers, which is a counterpart of the average fuzzy relation with the real numbers, also has its eigen fuzzy set with membership degrees as fuzzy numbers. These, after taking appropriate places in the eigen fuzzy set, appreciate the levels of the drug influence on the clinical symptoms.
Artikeln presenterar användning av oskarp egenvektor i processen approximeringen av läkemedelsverkan på kliniska symptom. En oskarp relation, introducerad i en ”fuzzy” ekvation med lösningen lika med den oskarpa egenvektorn, innehåller oskarpa nummer som uttrycker läkemedelsinverkan på parsymtom. Dessa nummer, skapade i L-Rformen ersätter verbala beskrivningar av påverkan. Det resultat, som visar läkemedelsnivåer vid varje symtom, fås genom en tolkning av oskarpa nummer i den erhållna egenvektorn.