Knowledge creation today increasingly takes place within the overlapping areas between universities, industry and government. One model explored for the processes taking place has been the triple helix model. In this paper we address our understandings and experiences of the triple helix-figuration. We formulate situated knowledges about how to start building a local innovation system, NetPort.Karlshamn, in a small town in the south of Sweden. The practices within NetPort.Karlshamn can exemplify one way of understanding a triple helix system and why this kind of cooperation is important and a prerequisite for becoming functional, innovative and developmentally strong. We recognize the necessity for a co-evolution process, where relevance and situated knowledges compose keystones. We notice the transformation of the situated knowledge production in our context to move from contract negotiation focus towards co-evolution focus. The theoretical frame is reinforced by technoscientific reflections.
innovationssystem, triple helix, samverkansprocesser, teknovetenskap, teknovetenskapliga reflektioner, tillit