Metal cutting processes are common in the manufacturing industry. Vibration problems during metal cutting are a degrading reality in the manufacturing industry and have a negative impact on the productivity and increase’s the production costs. The vibration level depends on many different parameters such as material type, dimensions of the workpiece, tool, tooling structure, machine structure, the cutting data and operation mode. Internal turning is one of the most troublesome operation modes concerning vibration. It generally requires that extra care must be taken with pro-duction planning and in the preparations for the machining of a workpiece. Frequently, continuous monitoring and control by a skilled operator is required to avoid grave degrading vibration levels. The reduced tool life and the coarse surface finishing generally caused by large vibration levels will e.g. force the operator to stop the cutting process, either to change tool when it is broken or change cutting data like decreasing the cutting depth. Any interference like this increases the production time and cost for each component tremendously. In an industry producing and renovating compo-nents using different machine tools, a particular lathe used for internal turning of certain details with extensive vibration problem was chosen for further investigation by experimental modal analysis and vibration analysis during operation. The examination was done in an environment with ma-chine tools in full operation and also during non-working ours. After analyzing the problem different solutions for the reduction of the vibration problem was investigated and subsequently a first proto-type was constructed. The solution to the problem is active control of the tool vibration using an active boring bar. This paper will present the procedure from analyzing a problem in industry to the test of the first prototype of the solution.