Based on the need for distributed end-to-end quality management for next-generation mobile Internet services, this paper presents a ready-to-deploy quality assessment concept for the impact of the network on the performance of mobile services. We consider the throughput utility function (TUF) as a special case of the network utility function (NUF). These functions combine the observed network utility at the inlet and the outlet of a mobile network. NUF and TUF capture the damping effect of the network onto user-perceived quality from an end-to-end perspective. As opposed to sometimes hard-to-evaluate QoS parameters such as delay and loss, the NUF is highly intuitive due to its mapping to a simple value between 0 and 100 %, which reflects user perception. We demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed TUF by measurements of application-perceived throughput conducted in a mobile, i.e. GPRS and UMTS network.
Ett nytt sätt att uttrycka nätverkets inflytande på tjänstekvaliten (skala från 0 till 100) för mobila tjänster.