This paper discusses experience of representing work in different ways. In the ongoing discussion about how to make ethnographic findings available for design work on representations has been presented. The paper shows how sequences of work have been used as a way to describe and analyze the work of operators handling emergency calls. Four sequences were identified: Answering (A), Responding (B), Monitoring and updating (C), and Closure (D). Within each of the sequences sub categories was used in order to exemplify and account for how the operators did in each sequence. A motivation of the work reported in this paper has been to explore alternatives or complementary to textual representations of the work. It should be easier to make sense of the flexibility of the sequences if it was visualized in graphics. Layers of representation are discussed as one way to get access to details not available at an overview level of description. When using the sequences in analysis, oral or written presentation the stories may be closely coupled to the figures.