The paper presents a prototype of a value model where engineering design teams can play with costand value data in a semi-structured way. In particular, the value model serves to facilitatecommunication of multidimensional information during preliminary design analysis and to visualizesuch information in a unique environment. The model first automatically generates, from the output ofa computer-based simulation, a quantitative assessment of manufacturer costs and customer costsaving of a set on different configuration of the same design concept. Second, it couples to the resultsa qualitative assessment of concept risks and product and process commonalities. Third, it allows anassessment of the concept impact on customer “ilities” (maintainability, survivability, scalability,flexibility). The model has been developed in collaboration with an aerospace sub-systemmanufacturer and it ultimately aims to enable the maturation of the knowledge about cost and valueaspects among the design team since the preliminary stages of design.