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A Data Mining Based Method for Route and Freight Estimation
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
2015 (English)In: Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2015, Vol. 52, p. 396-403Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

We present a method, which makes use of historical vehicle data and current vehicle observations in order to estimate 1) the route a vehicle has used and 2) the freight the vehicle carried along the estimated route. The method includes a learning phase and an estimation phase. In the learning phase, historical data about the movement of a vehicle and of the consignments allocated to the vehicle are used in order to build estimation models: one for route choice and one for freight allocation. In the estimation phase, the generated estimation models are used together with a sequence of observed positions for the vehicle as input in order to generate route and freight estimates. We have partly evaluated our method in an experimental study involving a medium-size Swedish transport operator. The results of the study indicate that supervised learning, in particular the algorithm Naive Bayes Multinomial Updatable, shows good route estimation performance even when significant amount of information about where the vehicle has traveled is missing. For the freight estimation, we used a method based on averaging the consignments on the historical known trips for the estimated route. We argue that the proposed method might contribute to building improved knowledge, e.g., in national road administrations, on the movement of trucks and freight.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2015. Vol. 52, p. 396-403
Procedia Computer Science, ISSN 1877-0509 ; Vol. 52
Keywords [en]
Route estimation; freight estimation; supervised learning; Naive Bayes multinomial
National Category
Computer and Information Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:bth-10877DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.004ISI: 000361567100048OAI:, id: diva2:864098
The 6th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT-2015), London
Available from: 2015-10-25 Created: 2015-10-25 Last updated: 2018-01-10Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Designing Electronic Waybill Solutions for Road Freight Transport
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Designing Electronic Waybill Solutions for Road Freight Transport
2016 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In freight transportation, a waybill is an important document that contains essential information about a consignment. The focus of this thesis is on a multi-purpose electronic waybill (e-Waybill) service, which can provide the functions of a paper waybill, and which is capable of storing, at least, the information present in a paper waybill. In addition, the service can be used to support other existing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services by utilizing on synergies with the existing services. Additionally, information entities from the e-Waybill service are investigated for the purpose of knowledge-building concerning freight flows.

A systematic review on state-of-the-art of the e-Waybill service reveals several limitations, such as limited focus on supporting ITS services. Five different conceptual e-Waybill solutions (that can be seen as abstract system designs for implementing the e-Waybill service) are proposed. The solutions are investigated for functional and technical requirements (non-functional requirements), which can potentially impose constraints on a potential system for implementing the e-Waybill service. Further, the service is investigated for information and functional synergies with other ITS services. For information synergy analysis, the required input information entities for different ITS services are identified; and if at least one information entity can be provided by an e-Waybill at the right location we regard it to be a synergy. Additionally, a service design method has been proposed for supporting the process of designing new ITS services, which primarily utilizes on functional synergies between the e-Waybill and different existing ITS services. The suggested method is applied for designing a new ITS service, i.e., the Liability Intelligent Transport System (LITS) service. The purpose of the LITS service isto support the process of identifying when and where a consignment has been damaged and who was responsible when the damage occurred. Furthermore, information entities from e-Waybills are utilized for building improved knowledge concerning freight flows. A freight and route estimation method has been proposed for building improved knowledge, e.g., in national road administrations, on the movement of trucks and freight.

The results from this thesis can be used to support the choice of practical e-Waybill service implementation, which has the possibility to provide high synergy with ITS services. This may lead to a higher utilization of ITS services and more sustainable transport, e.g., in terms of reduced congestion and emissions. Furthermore, the implemented e-Waybill service can be an enabler for collecting consignment and traffic data and converting the data into useful traffic information. In particular, the service can lead to increasing amounts of digitally stored data about consignments, which can lead to improved knowledge on the movement of freight and trucks. The knowledge may be helpful when making decisions concerning road taxes, fees, and infrastructure investments.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlskrona: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2016. p. 210
Blekinge Institute of Technology Doctoral Dissertation Series, ISSN 1653-2090 ; 4
Electronic waybill, e-waybill, Intelligent transport system, ITS services, Freight transport
National Category
Computer Systems Computer Sciences
urn:nbn:se:bth-11775 (URN)978-91-7295-326-0 (ISBN)
Public defence
2016-05-17, Ateljén, Biblioteksgatan 4, Karlshamn, 10:00 (English)
Available from: 2016-04-07 Created: 2016-03-30 Last updated: 2018-01-10Bibliographically approved

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Bakhtyar, ShoaibHolmgren, Johan

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