Novel jet engine concepts and architectures are being explored to reduce mass, fuel consumption, development cost and environmental impact while increasing performance. Although the engine systems development process of the next generation aero engines takes place at the original equipment manufacturer level, component manufacturers need to optimize their components using an integrated engine system design approach. Therefore, they need the capability to model and simulate whole engine behavior. While modeling and simulation are traditional strengths of the aerospace industry, model integration of the whole engine system and its components, as well as between separate disciplines, is still a relatively weak link. This paper presents a master-model approach that facilitates integrated analysis used in design optimization. The master-model approach promotes the existence of a single governing version of the product definition, including associated versions of loads, materials, interfaces, constraints etc. A simple yet illustrative industry application is presented where dynamics and displacement analysis are performed using the master model and a parameter study is performed to find an optimal design. The presented scenario investigates the impact of changing the bearing position of the turbine rear frame of a turbo-fan engine considering the load case of a “fan blade off” event.