Cloud Networking (CN) and related conceptsoffer appealing novelties to Cloud Computing (CC) customers.They can do a one-stop-shopping for network-enhanced cloudservices. In addition, the costs of such services might below due to multiple customers sharing the infrastructures.Moreover, telecommunication network operators are adopt-ing the CN in theirNetwork Functions Virtualisation (NFV)framework for reducing costs and increasing the flexibility oftheir networks. The technical appeal of CN comes from thetight integration of CC and smart networks. The economicalattractiveness results from avoiding dedicated hardware, shar-ing of resources, and simplified resource management (RM) asseen by the users respectively by the applications. The visionof cheap and integrated CN services is obviously attractive,but it is also evident that it will require more complex RMprocedures for efficiently balancing the usage of all resources.In this contribution, we suggest an initial architecture forintegrated and practical RM in CN and NFV systems. TheRM concept aims at locating and analysing performancebottlenecks, efficiency problems, and eventually discover un-used resources. The suggested architecture is based on alayered view on the system. Moreover, we detail difficultiesin practical resources usage monitoring which, in turn, definerequirements for a RM architecture. The requirement analysisis based on measurements in a CN infrastructure.