A vital part of sustainable development and solving the sustainability challenge is to reduce the environmental and social impact of multinational organizations caused by their potentially unsustainable energy consumption.
The focus of this study is to create an energy management system for organizations to strategically transform their energy resources and energy consumption to reduce their socioecological impact. It is important to ask what are the critical elements that would hinder or allow for the shift to renewable energy and energy efficiency? It is also important to question how can those elements be integrated together to address the sustainability challenge with the energy consumption of multinational manufacturers?
A case study on an organization was done to identify some of the barriers and drivers, for them to implement sustainable energy management systems, and to modify the sustainable energy management system that propose strategies around synergy between energy efficiency and renewable energy, to make it a decision-making tool focused on energy planning.
The construction of the tool, with the help of the case study organization and its decision makers, allowed the design of a more overarching tool that includes sustainability concepts and ensures the sustainability approach in its scheme and implementation