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  • 1.
    Bergman, Gösta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Spatial Planning.
    Planering för trygghet: En undersökning om narrativs betydelse för den fysiska planeringen2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Att planera för mer trygga och jämställda miljöer där både män och kvinnor, barn och gamla känner en större känsla av trygghet är väldigt aktuellt inom den fysiska planeringen. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i problematiken om att det finns en vilja att planera för trygghet men att det saknas riktlinjer i hur trygghet och jämställdhet kan uppnås.

    Uppsatsen syftar till att bidra med en ökad kunskap och förståelse kring möjligheten och förmågan att planera för trygghet genom att se till olika gömda narrativ om trygghet. Problemformuleringen har operationaliserats i tre frågor som senare ska diskuteras.

    —   Hur genereras kunskap om trygghet inom planeringen?               

    —   Vilka antaganden om trygghet finns inom planeringen?

    —   Vilka åtgärder föreslås för att åstadkomma tryggare miljöer? 

    Uppsatsen teoretiska perspektiv bygger på postrukturalism och intersektionalitet som både är två teoretiska ansatser som ämnar att se bortom det hegemoniska narrativet för att hitta de historier och berättelser som gömmer sig bakom den. Intersektionella perspektivet hävdar att det finns maktstrukturer i samhället baserade på genus, klass och etnicitet som hindrar vissa berättelser från att berättas. Den tidigare forskningen fokuserar på maktrelationer och speciellt den mellan män och kvinnor och den otrygghet kvinnor känner för vissa offentliga platser.

    Undersökningen av trygghetsvandringarna visar på att det är snarare ålder än genus som påverkar en aktörs upplevda känsla av otrygghet. Vidare ses ungdomar som de aktörer som orsakar otrygghet medan barn och äldre ses som de aktörer som upplever otrygghet. Resultatet visar också på att narrativen är väldigt skilda och att det finns många scener som uppfattas otrygga.

    Diskussion lyfter problematiken med tanken om kunskap som något objektivt, något som kan legitimera en viss typ av fysisk åtgärd i planeringen. Den kunskap som trygghetsvandringar genererar argumenteras för att vara en reproducering av en redan berättade historia om trygghet. En berättelse baserad på en hegemonisk föreställning om vad trygghet innebär. Vidare diskuteras att de antaganden som finns om trygghet i planeringen inte nödvändigtvis behöver vara sanna. Idén om att genus är en de viktig faktor om man ser till maktrelationer och vilka berättelser om trygghet som har möjlighet att berättas kan ifrågasättas då enligt undersökningen är snarare ålder som avgör aktörers möjlighet att berätta sina historier. Vidare diskuteras hur fysiska åtgärder för att skapa en tryggare miljö kan verkligen leda till tryggare miljöer, huruvida detta är en placeboeffekt kan diskuteras.

    Utifrån undersökningen samt diskussion har följande slutsatser dragits. Kunskap är en viktig faktor inom planeringen för att legitimera vissa typer av åtgärder. De narrativ som har identifierats visar på att den kunskap som generas är en reproducering av en redan etablerad berättelse över vad trygghet är och vad det innebär att vara otrygg. Vidare visar undersökningen att de antaganden som finns över trygghet inte nödvändigtvis behöver vara sanna. De identifierade narrativen visar att det är snarare ålder som maktfaktor än genus som förklarar vilka berättelser som blir hörda. Vidare visar undersökningen att otrygghet kan planeras bort med hjälp av fysiska åtgärder men då skapandet av en placeboeffekt. För att skapa riktig trygghet behöver det sociala och maktrelationerna mellan olika aktörer tas med in i ekvationen. Mångfalden av personer och berättelser visar på en svårighet att planera för en trygg miljö där alla känner sig inkluderade. Till sist dras slutsatsen att trygghetsvandringarna som medel sätter själva ramarna för vilka berättelser som blir berättade. 

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  • 2.
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Ordering Messiness? – Diffracting an ICT-Project in Rwanda2012In: Empowering Women Through ICT / [ed] Wamala, Caroline, Stockholm: Spider - The Swedish Program for ICT in Developing Regions , 2012, p. 45-54Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Gustavsson, Kerstin
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Hallgren, Elin
    Paxling, Linda
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Trojer, Lena
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Gender Budgeting, Human Resources, Organisational Culture -Development of Methods2015Other (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    GENISLAB, is a four year project (2011 - 2014) within the 7th Framework Programme for research and technology. The aim of the project is to promote organizational change in six European scientific organizations. Each partner develops its own Tailored Action Plan based on three dimensions, Gender Budgeting, Human Resources (HR) Management and Gender and Organisational Culture and Stereotypes. This report presents results of quantitative and qualitative data on Gender Budgeting and HR management as well as comments on organizational culture.

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  • 4. Elovaara, Pirjo
    et al.
    Mörtberg, Christina
    Cartographic Mappings – Participative Methods2010Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper we discuss and reflect on participative methods used in a research project conducted in a south-eastern part of Sweden. With participatory design and feminist science and technology studies as the frame of reference we explore diverse and multiple experiences and knowledge created in work practices. We conclude the article by telling about the method we worked with, which we chose to call cartographies and how the method made visible everyday performances and practices in a municipal administrative office.

  • 5. Elovaara, Pirjo
    et al.
    Mörtberg, Christina
    Mellan teknik och människor: kunskap och lärande i den kommunala vardagen2009In: Samhälle, teknik och lärande / [ed] Karlsohn, Thomas, Stockholm: Carlssons , 2009, p. 86-103Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Detta kapitel har sin utgångspunkt i forskningsprojektet From government till e-Government: gender, skills, learning and technology (2005-2007) . Det övergripande syftet med projektet var att studera hur vardagens kommunala arbetspraktiker skulle kunna relateras till de politiska förändringsprocesser som genomsyrar svensk offentlig förvaltning. Det som speciellt intresserade oss var hur den starka fokuseringen på informationsteknologi som artikuleras i svenska policydokument omsätts i praktiker i svenska kommuner, där majoriteten av anställda är kvinnor. Vi frågade initialt: hur mycket handlings- och förhandlingsutrymme finns det i den kommunala vardagen när nationella IT-mål översätts till lokala praktiker? Innebär övergången till elektronisk förvaltning nya kunskapskrav? Erbjuds det möjligheter till lärande och utveckling av nya kompetenser? Hur förhåller sig de nya teknikintensiva arbetssätten till redan befintliga erfarenheter och kunskaper? Vårt mål var också att särskilt studera om offentliga berättelser om kvinnornas frånvaro från IT-relaterade arbeten återskapades i lokala praktiker eller om vi skulle kunna höra andra, som bland annat berättas av genusforskare.

  • 6. Elovaara, Pirjo
    et al.
    Sefyrin, JohannaÖhman, May-BrittBjörkman, Christina
    Travelling Thoughtfullness: feminist technoscience stories....for Christina2010Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Finken, Sisse
    et al.
    TiP Group, Department of Business IT, IT University of Copenhagen, DEN.
    Mörtberg, Christina
    Linneuniverwsitetet, SWE.
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Becoming-with in participatory design2018In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer New York LLC , 2018, Vol. 537, p. 258-268Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We draw on feminist technoscience to analyze actions and activities performed between participants in a Participatory Design workshop that unfolds in a realm of e-government. Stepping into this empirical site we want to show how participants (invited persons, researchers, methods, artifacts, gender stereotypes) become with each other. With such take on research endeavors we feed into current discussion in feminist research by illustrating how theory and practice intertwine and create realities. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2018.

  • 8.
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Economics.
    A comparative study of women in top managerial positions in Greece and the United Kingdom(UK)2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Problem formulation: The main research questions of this comparative study are as follow: How does the Maculinity Index (MAS), which is similar in both UK and Greece, express itself inside organisations, in terms of culture (norms, values)? How can this help to understand the differences found in the representations of women in both countries?

    Purpose: The purpose of why this study was contacted is to describe several MAS expressions in the organisational culture in order to find out how these expressions can help us understand the differences in female representation in both countries (UK and Greece).

    Literature: The main literature, upon which the whole study s was based upon, is the Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as described in:


    1. Hofstede, G. 2014. Cultural Tools: Country Comparison. [Online]. Available at: <> [Accessed: 13th January 2015], and


    1. Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J. & Minkov, M. 2010. Cultures and organizations: Software of the mind. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


    Numerous literature sources were used throughout this thesis, which can be found in references.


    Method: The authors used the case study approach for this research as described in Yin’s “Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 5th Ed.” (2014). The main methods used for the collection of the empirical findings were documentation, interviews, informal discussions and archival records.


    Key findings: The major findings of this research indicated that at Alpha Bank, the male dominated powerful “in- groups”, by framing the recruitment and the selection process, by recruiting mainly male friends and relatives,  reproducing the male dominated culture inside the company. At Tata Steel, the masculine organisational culture was mainly the results of gender role norms associating STEM disciplines and leadership with masculinity. Some women were perceived to violate their femininity when being assertive or holding traditionally male positions. In addition, the “double burden syndrome” was considered to be an important barrier to women’s career advancement in Britain whereas it was not affecting Greek women as much due to the collectivistic characteristics of the Greek societal culture with parents usually helping their daughters and daughters-in-law with baby-sitting and in-house “obligations”.

  • 9. Mörtberg, Christina
    et al.
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Attaching People and Technology: Between E and Government2010In: Gender Isssues in Learning and Working with Information Technology: Social Constructs and Cultural Contexts / [ed] Booth, Shirley; Goodman, Sara; Kirkup, Gill, Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference , 2010, p. 83-98Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish public sector is involved in an overwhelming change process aiming toward creating a good-service society based on information technology. Rationalisation, efficiency and effectiveness are the leading signs in the dominating discourse of Swedish society of today. This discourse is silent about public sector employees, their agencies, their participation, and how the public sector is the dominant labour market for women. Alternative stories of women’s presence in the creation of a good-service society are presented with a focus on performances of gender, skills, learning and technology. The empirical material was collected in municipalities in the south east of Sweden. Methods sensitive to everyday practices in order to create space and time for women and their stories were developed and used. The methodological approaches, feminist technoscience, provide opportunities to move beyond the dominating IT discourses in order to make visible other discourses where women are present.

  • 10. Mörtberg, Christina
    et al.
    Stuedahl, Dagny
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    Designing for Sustainable Ways of Living with Technologies2010In: Exploring Digital Design: Multi-disciplinary Design Practices / [ed] Wagner, Ina; Bratteteig, Tone; Stuedahl, Dagny, London: Springer , 2010, p. 261-282Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 11.
    Paxling, Linda
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Women’s tech initiatives in Uganda: Doing intersectionality and feminist technoscience2019In: Gendered Power and Mobile Technology: Intersections in the Global Sout / [ed] Caroline Wamala Larsson, Laura Stark, Taylor & Francis, 2019, p. 151-165Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) and mobile phones in particular play an important role in the narrative of international development. This chapter explores how the start-up of women’s ICT initiatives in Kampala, Uganda uses structural adaptation and resistance through intersectionality and feminist technoscience. It proposes a technological storytelling of doing intersectionality where processes of categorization are not distinguished by being either disadvantaged or privileged but are formulated as an assemblage. The chapter presents patriarchy and patriarchal structures, and is concerned with the gendered structures that discriminate and disadvantage women. Feminist technoscience is a transdisciplinary field that queries the epistemological foundations of science and technology through feminist concepts and methods. The relationship between gender and technology inheres tricky and disconcerting meanings and histories. The homogeneous narrative of the oppression of women is particularly important to emphasize when discussing gender and ICT initiatives internationally. © 2019 selection and editorial matter, Caroline Wamala Larsson and Laura Stark; individual chapters, the contributors.

  • 12.
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Det finns inga skadedjur (Satellit)2011In: Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, no 4, p. 99-102Article, review/survey (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Det avslutande kapitlet i Elin Wägners bok Väckarklocka (1941) målar upp framtidsvisioner om hållbara samhällen där samverkan och gemenskap är grunden. Nutida feministiska författare betonar också samverkan, både mellan människor och med andra arter, som avgörande för jordens fortlevnad. Tystnad, ren luft och goda grannar ses då som nu som visioner om ett gott liv. Till detta lägger Wägner liksom nutida feminister jämställdhet mellan kön såväl som global jämlikhet och rättvisa.

  • 13.
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Feminist materiality and postcolonial development arenas2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In eastern Uganda, volcanic activity in the past has formed a salt lake. Today, the lake is surrounded by a national park hosting elephants and other large animals. Close to the lake within the park is also a small town, Katwe. The human inhabitants live from salt extraction in the lake. The work is manual and bodies are exposed to salt water during daily work. Researchers’ and investors’ visions to develop the salt quality have created fear that while facilitating salt extraction, people’s access and control over the meager income from salt work will be eroded. What we find is a situation where discourses of development – including reducing health hazardous work conditions and increasing involvement in a larger economic system, bodies affected by salt and by hunger, and visions of future livelihoods in a natural reserve are melted together. Will a meltdown of Katwe town and its human inhabitants be the effect, or will their agency lead to new forms of local postdevelopment strategies? We aim to discuss the local situation in Katwe in relation to feminist materialist theory and postcolonial and postdevelopment thought.

  • 14.
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Genus och miljö2013Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Genus och miljö är två områden som sällan kopplas samman, men som båda ska integreras i olika verksamheter som undervisning, samhällsplanering och samhällsutveckling. Utgångspunkten för denna bok är att de båda områdena förutsätter varandra och måste hanteras samtidigt. Strävan efter jämställdhet måset ta hänsyn till de miljökonsekvenser som följer med förändringar som görs. Ansträngningar att minska belastningen på ekosystemen måste på motsvarande sätt belysa genusaspekter kring frågor som odling och vattenförsörjning eller energianvändning. Strävan efter jämställdhet leder till att vi inte alltid kan se tydligt hur framtidens miljöpolitik ska formas, och miljöproblem leder till att jämställdhetsarbetet måste omformuleras efter hand. Vägen in i framtiden är inte solklar och spikrak, och vi måste beträda den med varsamhet och lyhördhet för olika röster och nya insikter. Boken presenterar grundläggande genusvetenskapliga teorier kopplade till miljöfrågor, naturvetenskap och teknikvetenskap och vänder sig till studenter inom miljövetenskapliga utbildningar samt till studenter inom genusvetenskap med intresse för miljöfrågor.

  • 15.
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Saving the world (techno)scientifically. Sustainable development and engineering education.2010In: Travelling thoughtfulness: feminist technoscience stories for Christina / [ed] Elovaara, Pirjo; Sefyrin, Johanna; Öhman, May-Britt; Björkman, Christina, Umeå: Umeå University , 2010, p. 151-166Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Engineering is an important force in the building of society. Engineers are identified as problem solvers, but also criticized for causing new problems due to a narrow focus on technology. Feminist theorists as well as researchers within sustainable development have called for a more democratic and accountable practice among engineers, in order to cater for widespread societal and environmental risks as well as moral questions of technological innovations. The introduction of sustainable development has been introduced by the Swedish government into the school system at all levels and specifically in higher education of engineers. Engineering education has a potential to prepare future engineers for engagement in societal aspects to a higher degree, but this requires a more integrated education program where values and discussions are integrated in courses.

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  • 16.
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Åberg, Helena
    Dackman, Carin
    Who loves sewage? Matching expectations in communication between households and sanitation professionals.2009Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In Swedish municipalities, householders are addressed as important actors in the efforts to improve the quality of sewage sludge. Householders and sanitation professionals are regarded as integrated and active co-producers of the sanitation system, while limited by the functions offered by the technical and organizational structure. Through interviews with both householders and sanitation professionals, recognition of interdependence was identified in both groups although more communication with counterpart was asked for. If the aim is to increase sustainability in the sanitation system, regardless of technical changes, we argue that two-way communication between householders and sanitation professionals needs to increase and embrace not only advice about choice of products and ways to carry out water related activities, but also planning of activities, feedback on results and other aspects of interest.

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  • 17.
    Sefyrin, Johanna
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet, SWE.
    Elovaara, Pirjo
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Mörtberg, Christina
    Linnéuniversitetet, SWE.
    Feminist technoscience as a resource for working with science practices, a critical approach, and gender equality in Swedish higher IT educations2018In: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer New York LLC , 2018, Vol. 537, p. 221-231Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Science is according to the Swedish legislation for higher education (Högskoleförordningen) a central quality aim for higher educations. In the Swedish Higher Education Authority’s (UKÄ) new quality assurance system, the integration of gender equality is one of several quality aspects that are being measured. This paper concerns a planned study with the aim to explore how feminist technoscience can contribute to challenging existing science practices, and a critical approach, while at the same time work as a theoretical resource for the integration of gender equality in Swedish higher IT educations. Feminist technoscience makes possible critical questions about scientific practices in both educational contexts and in work life, about researchers’ positioning, about consequences, and about power issues. Posing such questions is central in IT educations, since we live in a society in which digital technologies increasingly constitute preconditions for a working reality, and both reproduce existing structures and form new patterns. In this reality it is central to ask whether current science practices are enough, and how feminist technoscience can make a difference, in those educations that produce the IT experts of the tomorrow. The study will be conducted as a qualitative field study with a focus on how teachers and students in Swedish higher IT educations practice science and a critical approach, and feminist technoscience in their educations. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2018.

  • 18.
    Trojer, Lena
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics.
    Change @ campus Karlshamn - Our Story: Culture, Norms and Gender at Blekinge Institute of Technology2015Book (Other academic)
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  • 19.
    Trojer, Lena
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Technology and Aesthetics. BTH.
    Sharing Fragile Future: feminist technoscience in contexts of implication2017Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Like a winding string passing tryings at risk, this book is my endeavour to make explicit the situatedness and responsibility of research and researchers in the trouble, let it be in the ‘grand challenges’ of our time or in the very local challenges of survival. Efforts to promote more complex and integrated understandings of ‘society in science’ or science as a political arena is urgent when facing the incalculabilities in our late modern spheres of society. There is no doubt technologies co-evolve out of interactions in specific contexts. This implies the responsibility to be a collective one for where and how technologies travel and with what use. No innocent position exists. The demand on us as knowledge and technology producers is focused on the direct reality producing consequences of our research and thus put us right into the context of implication.

    The frames of understanding are developed within feminist technoscience linked to practitioners and writers of mode 2 knowledge production. How can feminist research as well as other research disciplines taking a critical view of science be able to mobilize the transformatory potential needed?

    Part I presents insights into needed relocations in (onto)epistemological infrastructures and Part II a positioning in the fields of feminist research and feminist technoscience. Part III includes experiences and discussions about two political dimensions – research political initiatives to support feminist research followed by reflections on the convergence of science and politics. Part IV offers examples of research in contexts of not only application but implication.

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  • 20. Wilk, Julie
    et al.
    Hjerpe, Mattias
    Rydhagen, Birgitta
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Planning and Media Design.
    Adaptation Spinoffs from Technological and Socio-economic Changes2015In: Climate Change Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and Practices / [ed] Inderberg, Tor Håkon; Eriksen, Siri; O'Brien, Karen; Sygna, Linda, London, New York: Routledge , 2015, p. 161-177Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Studies have shown that societal change related to economic growth and development policies can affect the adaptive capacity of communities to a multitude of stressors including climate variability and change. Concerns have recently been raised about the consequences of climate mitigation and adaptation on vulnerable groups and the impacts of large-scale globalization processes on the adaptive capacities of local communities. This chapter addresses how side effects of technological and socioeconomic changes, which we refer to as spinoffs have potential to strengthen climate adaptation strategies. The spinoff examples fall under a two-dimensional framework according to whether they arise from orchestrated or opportunity-driven initiatives and technological or socio-economic changes. Three cases in developing countries undergoing rapid economic growth have been chosen as examples of different types of spinoffs and how they can positively influence climate adaptation and more particularly adaptive capacity. They are: information and communication technology (ICT) in South Africa, changing lifestyles in China and empowerment in India. The cases illustrate that new objects, inventions and trends constantly emerge which have potential to help people improve their livelihoods in ways that can be climate smart. People working as development workers and policy makers need to be observant and engage in open-minded dialogue with communities in order to recognize emergent technologies, lifestyles and trends to facilitate the use and development of on-going or potential spinoffs that positively affect adaptation to climate change.

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