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  • 1.
    Henesey, Lawrence
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Tools for faster turn-around times in RoRo terminals: Case sudies from Europe: Karlshamn-Klaipeda short sea shipping link2010Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to develop an optimization model that can select handling equipment and ships from a strategic level. This model can help when investing in systems for handling unitized cargo at port terminals in the context of Short Sea Shipping (SSS). Initial model results indicate that a LoLo vessel with a capacity between (500 and 1000 TEU) capable of completing a SSS voyage, when handling is completed in 48 hours will be less costly than a RoRo, which may have multiple voyages for TEU volumes greater than 1000.

  • 2. Hjälmdahl, Magnus
    et al.
    Clemedthson, Per-Olof
    Dahl, Mattias
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
    Fastén, Gunnar
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Pettersson, Mats
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
    Sundberg, Jonas
    Effektutvärdering av kilometerskatt: Slutrapport. Slutsats och rekommendation2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Urinsikten om behovet av brukaravgifter inom transportsektornföddes idén att skapa en arena för den samlade kompetenseni Sverige. Detta blev ARENA-projektet, vars första fas,2006-2008,hade som mål attutveckla ett koncept för ett vägavgiftssystem för lastbilar.Den andra fasen avslutades2011 med syftet att verifiera det utvecklade vägavgiftskonceptet genom praktiska demonstrationer. Projektet lade även grunden för en innovationsmiljö inom ITS, som är knuten till NetPort Science Park och Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.I den tredje fasen breddades anslaget till att stödja utveckl-ingen av samverkan och interoperabilitet mellan olika system för exempelvis trängselskatt, infra-strukturavgifter eller kilometerskatt, såväl i Sverige som internationellt.Från 2015 har ARENA övergått till att vara en långsiktig nationell kunskapsplattform för brukaravgif-ter inom transportsektorn. Inom ARENA drivs olika projekt beroende på de problemställningar som är aktuella i samhället. Ett av dessa handlar om att utveckla metodik för effektutvärdering av kilome-terskatt för tunga fordonDetta projekt har löpt parallellt med Vägslitageskattekommitténarbete och som ARENAsamverkat medoch stöttat.Arbetet inom ARENA fokuserarpå attutreda vilka effekterav en kilometerskatt som är troliga/möj-liga och vilka av dessa som i sin tur är möjliga att observeraoch hur de kan observeras. Detta har gjorts genom bl.a. inventeringar av andra liknande initiativ och hur de har utvärderats, litteraturge-nomgångar och workshops. Rapporter från detta arbete återfinns på projektets hemsida ( Denna avslutande rapport fokuserar framförallt på övergripande slutsat-ser baserat på arbetet inom ARENA,samt de rekommendationer om datainsamling och utvärdering som projekt-och styrgruppen för ARENA anser är relevanta att nu gå vidare med, baserat på att ett beslut om införande av kilometerskatt inte har tagits och det är oklart huruvida beslut kommer att tas inom de närmaste åren. ARENA anser, med utgångspunkt i ovanstående, att en systematisk föremätning(ex-ante)bör ge-nomföras först när beslut om att införa skatten har tagits och det finns detaljerad information om hur skatten är utformad.ARENA anser dock att kunskapsnivån om godstransporter på väg generellt sett är bristfällig varför det är motiverat att inleda datafångst inom vissa utpekade områden för att stärka kunskapen. Den data som bör samlas in är värdefull också i samband med utvärdering av ef-fekterna av t.ex. förändrade cabotageregler, ändrade gränser för lastbilars mått och vikt, ändrad energi-och koldioxidbeskattning etc.Det pågår idag flera nationella initiativ kring förbättrat kunskapsunderlag om yrkestrafiken och gods-transporter på väg. ARENAs rekommendationer ligger i linje med dessa och arbetet kring att öka kun-skapsnivån bör fortgå.

  • 3.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Quantitative Assessment of Intelligent Transport Systems for Road Freight Transport2013Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In this thesis, methods for using computer-based models as support tools for assessing Transport Telematic Services (TTSs) are studied. Such assessments provide one way to understand how TTSs can address problems caused by transportation, such as accidents, emissions, and energy consumption. TTSs are services based on telematic systems which are Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) involving the integrated use of information and communication technologies in transport. The focus is on TTSs that are relevant for road freight transport, even though the suggested methods can easily be adapted for TTSs in other areas. We characterize TTSs, e.g., in terms of their functionalities, and apply computer-based modeling for pre-deployment assessment of various TTSs (from an ex-ante perspective). By analyzing information provided by the suggested computer-based models, it is possible to make an informed decision whether to (or not to) deploy a given TTS. A review of previous studies reveals information about relevant TTSs for freight transport in areas such as driver support, administration, safety, traffic management, parking, and goods handling. A hierarchical clustering algorithm and a k-minimum spanning tree algorithm were employed to analyze synergies of TTSs. Synergies can enable identification of sets of TTSs that can lead to cost savings if deployed on a common platform (cf. Multi-Service Architectures). An analytical model inspired by the net present value concept is used to estimate quantified societal benefits of TTSs. An optimization model is formulated and solved using a branch and bound method to determine an optimal combination of TTSs taking into consideration societal benefits, costs, dependencies, and synergies. The optimization model also addresses possible system architectures for achieving multiple TTSs. Dominance rough set approach is used to assess and compare benefit areas for TTSs specific to truck parking. The benefit areas are suggested with the help of conceptual modeling, which describes functional models of a system in terms of states, transitions among states, and actions performed in states. The main scientific contributions of the thesis are in suggesting new quantitative models, extending and applying existing models in the assessments of TTSs, and obtaining results that can help decision-makers select TTSs for medium-to long-term investments. Researchers can employ and build on the proposed methods when addressing different scenarios (geographic or organizational) involving similar TTSs. By studying a range of TTSs and possible Multi-Service Architecture concepts for such TTSs, the thesis contributes to achieving convergence of TTSs in a Multi-Service Architecture environment that will improve cost efficiency, minimize redundancies, and encourage the establishment of standards in the deployment of TTSs in road freight transport. TTSs implemented in such an environment can contribute to optimizing available capacity, accuracy, speed, and efficiency of road freight transport systems.

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  • 4.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Strategic Service Selection Problem for Transport Telematic Services- An Optimization Approach2014In: 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SERVICES COMPUTING (SCC 2014), IEEE Computer Society, 2014, p. 520-527Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The selection, composition and integration of Transport Telematic Services (TTSs) is crucial for achieving cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). To enable future adaptation, models for selecting and composing TTSs needs to take into account possible future modifications, upgrades or downgrades of different TTSs without tipping off the benefit edge. To achieve this, a Strategic Service Selection Problem (SSSP) for TTSs is presented in this article. The problem involves selecting a set of TTSs that maximizes net societal benefits over a strategic time period, e.g., 10 years. The formulation of the problem offers possibilities to study design alternatives taking into account future modifications, extensions, upgrades or downgrades of different TTSs. Two decisive factors affecting the choices and modifications of TTSs are studied: 1) the effect of using Governmental policies to mandate the introduction of TTSs, e.g., Road User Charging and eCall, and 2) the effects of allowing market forces to drive the choices of TTSs. Case study results indicate that in determining combinations of TTSs that can be deployed in a period of 10 years, enforcing too many TTSs can retard the ability of the market to generate net benefits even though the results could be that more TTSs will be deployed.

  • 5.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Dahl, Mattias
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
    Holmgren, Johan
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Road travel time prediction: A micro-level sampling approach2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The ability to generate accurate travel time predictions for road freight transport is important when, for example, estimating the arrival times for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in order to plan terminal activities. We present a micro-level sampling method for road travel time prediction. The method makes use of historical GPS-data in order to determine the movement of a vehicle from an origin to a destination along a specific route. The method generates a travel time distribution, which can be used to obtain the expected travel time and probabilities for deviations. The method has been illustrated and evaluated in an experiment where the effective travel time was predicted for transport between two terminals. The experiment made use of GPS data that was recorded for two HGVs during a period of two months. An important feature of the method is that it does not need road network information, such as speed limits and number of lanes.

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  • 6.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Persson, Jan A.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Davidsson, Paul
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Estimates of marginal cost savings for Intelligent Truck Parking Services in a combined deployment scenario2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Intelligent Truck Parking (ITP) involves efficient management of information as a tool for addressing some of the problems related to truck parking, such as, the inability to navigate to, or reserve a parking space. Different telematic services (ITP core services) may be required to address different stakeholder needs, e.g., a navigation service for finding the way to a truck parking area, and a reservation service for assuring the availability of a parking space when in the parking area. In addition to ITP core services, there are several other telematic services that address transport problems in general. If the synergies of different services are taken into account during design and deployment of telematic services, cost reduction may be achieved through functionality sharing. In this article, we have identified services that are relevant for sharing functionalities with ITP core services, estimate functionality costs and perform a synergy analysis to assess the marginal cost savings as a result. Overall results indicates that Traffic Information Broadcasting (TIB), Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) for goods, and Geo-fencing (GEO) can form clusters with ITP core services that could lead to better cost savings compared to the rest of the services studied.

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  • 7.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
    Persson, Jan A.
    Malmö University.
    Davidsson, Paul
    Malmö University.
    Exploring synergy relationships between telematic services and functionalities using cluster analysis2015In: IET Intelligent Transport Systems, ISSN 1751-956X, E-ISSN 1751-9578, Vol. 9, no 4, p. 366-374Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A method for assessing potential synergies among different sets of transport telematic services (TTSs) is suggested. An Intelligent Transport System enhances transport by delivering one or more TTSs. The ability to deliver multiple TTSs to address a wide range of stakeholder needs is gaining momentum, not only from a marketing perspective but also from a technological perspective. The total cost of TTSs can be reduced if they share functionalities (i.e., sub-services provided by telematic systems). We show how this synergy can be assessed with the help of clustering methods. Knowledge about possible synergies of functionalities is useful in the (re)design and eventual deployment of TTSs, especially when the underlying telematic systems are able to support multiple TTSs. To adapt the clustering method for this purpose, we suggest a mathematical formulation of synergy among functionalities of TTSs. By applying the method to a set of 32 TTSs, we obtain a cluster formation of these TTSs according to their synergy measures. Overall, the results suggest that the joint implementation of TTSs targeted toward some problem domains can lead to significant cost savings, for example, Road User Charging, Infrastructure Repair and Maintenance, and Information on the Transport of extra large goods for the management of road transport infrastructure. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2015.

  • 8.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Persson, Jan A.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Davidsson, Paul
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Clemedtson, Per Ola
    Method for quantitative valuation of road freight transport telematic services2012In: IET Intelligent Transport Systems, ISSN 1751-956X, E-ISSN 1751-9578, Vol. 6, no 4, p. 388-396Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study describes transport telematic services (TTSs) for road-based heavy goods vehicle (HGV) transport and suggests a method for assessing the societal value of different TTSs. For decision making related to the selection of services to promote by potential investors, for example, governmental organisations and service providers, quantified service value can simplify the decision process by enabling comparison between TTSs. Moreover, these values can serve as inputs to quantitative analysis of service architectural system designs. The authors suggest a method for assessing the societal values of TTSs using potential saving indicators (PSIs), estimated in the context of Swedish HGV freight transport. To illustrate the proposed method, 32 services are analysed, and their societal values were quantified and compared for the Swedish HGV market. Results based on estimated values of PSIs and potential percentage savings indicate the following HGV-based TTSs to be of high societal potential: transport resource optimisation, dynamic traffic information, navigation, road hindrance warning, theft alarm and recovery, accident warning information, intelligent speed adaptation, eCall, en-route driver information, transport order handling, road user charging and sensitive goods monitoring.

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  • 9.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Persson, Jan
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Davidsson, Paul
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Optimization analysis of multiservice architecture concepts in road transport telematics2012In: Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems / Taylor & Francis, ISSN 1547-2450, E-ISSN 1547-2442, Vol. 16, no 4, p. 197-210Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Transport telematic systems, also known as intelligent transportation systems, can be expensive to implement but the services they provide may offer substantial benefits. However, what services the system can provide depends on the architectural choices made, which also affects the cost of the system. We propose an optimization model to support a more informed decision before investing in a multiple service transport telematic system. The model evaluates the possible choices of services and architectures, and aims to maximize the total net societal benefit. We argue that the optimization model can provide support for strategic decisions by highlighting the consequences of adopting different system architectures, including both societal value and cost. This can be useful for decision makers, such as governments, road transport telematic service providers, and commercial road freight transport operators.

  • 10.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Persson, Jan
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Davidsson, Paul
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Proposed Core Services for the Deployment of Intelligent Truck Parking2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article suggest Transport Telematic Services (TTSs) to facilitate the realization of Intelligent Truck Parking (ITP) concept i.e. ITP core services e.g. a service that can support real time reservation of truck parking space using for instance mobile phone messaging capabilities. We consider ITP to include the collection, processing and delivery of information about Truck Parking Areas (TPAs) that may take place during the planning and execution of transportation services. A key feature for ITP core services is to achieve efficient information exchange related to TPA so as to improve the overall performance of the transport system. We suggest core services seen to have a potential for achieving ITP. Our suggestions are based on studying “what” kind of information exchanges among TPA stakeholders “when” and “where” the information is exchanged in relation to transport related challenges that are addressed with such information. Hence we suggest Truck Parking facility Utilization (TPU), Goods and Vehicle Safety assurance information (GVS), Parking Location Guidance (PLG) and Parking Reservation (PAR), as ITP core services.

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  • 11. Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    et al.
    Widell, J
    Sandbreck, C-H
    Dahl, Mattias
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
    Pettersson, Mats
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
    Effektutvärdering avkilometerskatt för tunga fordon: en omvärldsstudie2016Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Over the last 15 years, distance-based road user charging schemes have been designed and deployed across the European Union. At least 10 EU countries today calculate, charge and collect fares for the use of road infrastructure following a differential model supported by positioning, communication, and other related technologies such as ANPR. As future road charging schemes are being developed, existing systems, although aimed at varying goals, will play a critical role in passing along their experiences to positively influence the development of future road charging schemes. This report set a high ambition to study the evaluation landscape in the domain of distance-based road user charging. Given the current efforts within the ARENA knowledge platform targeted toward the development of an evaluation methodology for a possible distance-based road user charging scheme in Sweden, the report was aimed at laying a solid foundation to ensure that the development of the methodology should as much as possible build on real world experiences. To that effect, 15 systems are identified and analysed, including two congestion-charging schemes (Gothenburg and Stockholm) and 13 distance-based charging schemes in Europe andother parts of the world. The predominantly literature review-based analysis aim to isolate the goals behind these different schemes, if and how the scheme was evaluated, including the questions that were raised in the evaluation, evaluation phases that were covered, the methods that were employed in collecting evaluation data, and analysing the data for possible effects. More important, the analysis aimed at understanding what proven effects were uncovered, as well as the lessons learned from the evaluation process. In order to perform an analysis, the above goals were disaggregated into concrete questions, e.g., for each specific system, what was the evaluation method employed. Secondary data was then collected mainly through Internet search within transport relevant databases. A number of criteria were consistently applied in filtering the secondary data sources, e.g., source quality. The analysis focused on determining if each evaluation report had a clear evaluation goal, motivation for choices of methods, based on real or synthetic data, and if there were clearly demonstrated effects that can be considered to be significant.The work in this study turned out to expose an unfortunate serious deficiency in evaluation material from existing distance-basedroad user charging schemes both from an ex-ante, and even more-so, from an ex-post perspective. Of the 15 systems identified (with the exception of the Gothenburg and Stockholm cases), only six had any material on evaluation, with half addressing an overall system perspective and the rest addressing some aspects of the system. Moreover, only one report actually conducted and related both ex-ante and ex-post perspectives (Switzerland) while most studies were limited to ex-ante.Overall, the analysis suggests that fiscal and environmental measures predominates the goal behind several distance-based road user charging schemes while traffic management and modal shift are on the opposite end. Results from evaluation of congestion schemes in Stockholm and Gothenburg, suggests significant reductions were observed in the overall traffic volume, although disproportionately between passenger cars and heavy vehicles. Results from distance-based road user charging schemes discussed in this report suggests the increasein transport costs to be consistent across different schemes, e.g., 5% to 7% in Germany. 4While this may be a fact, it is difficult to separate how much of it may be a result of speculation that in turn drives up prices and cost compared to real costs as aresult of the scheme. This is because distance-based charging schemes also benefits for transport organizations where they are implemented, e.g., when schemes provide subsidies for environmentally clean fleet such as in Germany and the Czech Republic, or when competition with foreign vehicles is normalized or when traffic adjustments results in reduced travel times as in Stockholm. Therefore, without hard facts it can be difficult to fully explain the net increase in transport costs as a consequence of distance-based road user charging.Expectations based on existing work are that as transport cost increases, so too will the shares in rail traffic and the income for infrastructure financing. Also, traffic volumes, empty runs, vehicle-km, and emissions, all turn to decrease due to the implementation of a distance-based road charging scheme. Schemes that account for the Euro class differentiations are seen to significantly alter that fleet demographics but no clear trends were reported. Most of the evaluation reports analysed lacked documentation on evaluation data which made it difficult to ascertain the quality of established impacts. This is not just a cost issue but also exposes a limitation in the entire evaluation methodology framework employed.A centralchallenge in conducting impact evaluation is to isolate specific effects within a system that can be associated specifically to distance-based road user charging. This is because such effects are often the results of several interdependent elements with versatile and far-reaching consequences all changing during the evaluation period. Based on the information analysed in this study, it can be recommended to consider as many indicators as possible when addressing impact evaluation for distance-based road user charging in Sweden. Such indicators should then provide a basis for collecting statistically representative data that span across several domains. We believe that it is better to have data about several indicators, even though such indicators may overlap, compared to having data about few indicators. A true representative sample should identify geographic areas of interest, vehicle categories of interest, as well as specific industries such as the forest industry. The sample should also cover a longer time period to emphasize the time variability of the data. The impacts and benefits of distance-based road user charging in Sweden can be amplified if; the control system design, ex-ante evaluation, and ex-post evaluation are all addressed simultaneously as these elements can significantly affect each other.

  • 12.
    Ny, Henrik
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Strategic Sustainable Development.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science.
    Borén, Sven
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Strategic Sustainable Development.
    Clemedtson, Sven-Ola
    NetPort Science Park, SWE.
    Apel, Stina
    NetPort Science Park, SWE.
    A Fossil-Free Southeast Link: A desktop pre-Study within the Roadmapper Project2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The study was conducted in 2020 by The SustainTrans team at Blekinge Institute of Technology with support fromNetPort Science park as a pre-study within the Roadmapper project, an effort to accelerate regional transitions to sustainable transport.This particular pre-study was financed by the municipalities of Karlshamn, Olofström and Sölvesborgbut it also benefits the larger Roadmapper project that, in turn, is supported by a whole consortium of public and private organizations, led by the Swedish Energy Agency. The preliminary resultswere reported to themunicipalitiesin December 2020but thescientific review of the studywas finalized in March2021. 

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    A Fossil Free Southeast Link
  • 13.
    Sigakova, Ksenia
    et al.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
    Holmgren, Johan
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Faculty of Computing, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
    Impacts of traffic conditions on the performance of road freight transport2015In: 2015 IEEE 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, 2015, p. 2947-2952Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The efficiency of road transport is typically influenced by factors such as, weather, choice of road, and time of day, and day of the week. Knowledge about interactions between different traffic-and transport related factors and their influence on the execution of transport is important in transport planning. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of different factors on the performance of road transport. We aim to contribute to improved transport planning by analysing traffic and transport data obtained from different sources in order to support data driven decision making. Through a review of existing literature and discussions with a Swedish road transport operator, we identified factors that could be relevant to consider when planning a transport, e.g., related to weather, location of roads where the transport will take place, and planned time of the transport. As a result of variation in size, type and volume of the data representing these factors, suitable machine learning algorithms were selected, such as Decision Stump, M5 model tree, M5 regression tree, RepTree, M5 rules, and linear regression in order to study the data. Our experimental results illustrate the complexity associated to the performance of road transport systems mainly because of the dependency between the choices of influencing factors and geographic location of the road segment.

  • 14. Sochor, Jana
    et al.
    Mbiydzenyuy, Gideon
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, School of Computing.
    Assessing the Benefits of Intelligent Truck Parking2013In: International Journal of Intelligent Transport Research, ISSN 1868-8659, Vol. 11, no 2, p. 43-53Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this paper is to identify and analyze important factors related to the benefits of Intelligent Truck Parking (ITP) for different stakeholders (including the end users) in the context of Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) transport. Previous work has neither focused on different types of ITP benefits for HGVs, nor on the end user perspective. This article identifies benefit areas and attributes as well as stakeholder groups relevant for HGV transport based on a review of previous research and projects. These benefit areas and attributes are theoretically assessed and compared for different stakeholders using multi-criteria analysis. Additionally, interview results of Swedish drivers’ and companies’ perceptions of ITP are presented. Comparing results of the interviews with the theoretical assessment indicates that the end users may not perceive ITP as highly beneficial although they theoretically benefit the most. Companies, particularly national haulage companies, express a low willingness to pay for ITP. Both the theoretical assessment and interviews show the potential for ITP to deliver different benefits to different actors across the transport chain.

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