The ongoing economic crisis world around has asked for a theoretical understanding and deep analysis of what have been wrong in our economic system in specific and social system as whole. Discussions in many forums and mass media have mostly focused on a level of first order casual-effects such as bank and credit system in relation to house loans and car industries, and where and how much the stimulating packages should be distributed, etc. This is what I called a liveability level problem. A second order understanding of fundamental systems structure and social subsystems relationships however, have not been much addressed properly. This is what I called the sustainability problem. This paper will propose an epistemological model based on cybernetic feedback principle and the Activity Theory to interpret the second order problems that deeply embed in our social-economic system structure. So the liveability and sustainability are coherently discussed within a socio-cybernetic system. The first part of the paper introduces shortly principles of feedbacks from cybernetics, especially understanding the behaviours of positive and negative feedbacks. Then, the Activity Theory and related concepts from social autopoietic theory are introduced. The aim of introducing those concepts is to provide the basic elements/components to the construction of a double-loops feedback model in the second part. In the last, the current economic crisis is interpreted based on the constructed model, to verify the usability of the proposed model.
E-home related home-services (including homecare and home healthcare) in China is urgently needed. The population of aged people over 80 is increasing 5% every year in China, and to year 2050, one fourth of whole population or 0.4 billions people in China are aged staying at home. Meanwhile the government cannot afford with a national elderly care system like most western countries as Sweden. This is because China has had one-child/one-family policy since 1970’s, and this radical policy has made China step in aged society very quickly within only 20 years, while the same process took 40-80 years in western countries. Even worse, China becomes aged society when the country is still poor and under developing with GDP per capita less than 1000$, comparing to western countries with 5000 – 10000 $ when they became aged society. E-home provides China with a unique, and maybe the most effective solution to the problem. By applying effective IT&C at home, elder people are facilitated to manage their own daily life. If needed, they can always call help from their collective service centre that is located in their resident area and the collective service centre can provide with both homecare (cleaning, shopping, reparation, baby care etc.) and home healthcare (legitimate medical care). Elder people can be also monitored (if wished by all partners) both at home and out door by bearing sensors that can send singles directly to related care providers (including their children and relatives if wished). E-home will greatly increase the security of elder people, release great worry from both their children and elder people themselves, and can be afford by most people. However, e-home is more than just a technical problem, and it needs a systemic way and social-psychological study how to design e-home system. In the end, e-home system must provide with needed services to residents. I will introduce IMIS project ´Integrated Mobile Information System for Home Healthcare’ financed by Swedish Agency for Innovative Systems (VINNOVA). This project will continue to 2006, and one of the outputs will be a sustainable software platform which is based on a systemic study of social psychological factors involved in the home healthcare. I will provide with some Swedish experiences and the so called ‘Scandinavia Approach’ in conducting such complex system to my colleagues in China, and I hope the IMIS project will be also developed in China based up on some feasibility and desirability studies with some Chinese colleagues.
By integrating system thinking and social psychology, this paper presents an Activity System Theory (AST) approach to the platform design of e-service systems in general, and e-healthcare systems in specific. In the first part, some important principles of AST and a sustainable model of human activity system are introduced. Then a project ‘Integrated Mobile Information System for Healthcare (IMIS)’ is presented to demonstrate how to construct a comprehensive platform for various complex e-service systems based on the sustainable model of AST. Our research focused on the complex e-healthcare system in Sweden, and the results showed that the model of AST can provide the designers of e-service system with a comprehensive and sustainable platform for designing various kinds of e-service system
Healthcare information system is a very complex system and has to be approached from systematic perspectives. This paper presents an Activity System Theory (ATS) approach by integrating system thinking and social psychology. First part of the paper, the activity system theory is presented, especially a recursive model of human activity system is introduced. A project ‘Integrated Mobile Information System for Diabetic Healthcare (IMIS)’ is then used to demonstrate a practical application of the Activity System Theory especially in constructing healthcare information system. Our conclusion is that the activity system model can provide the service system designers with a comprehensive and integrated framework for designing healthcare information system in specific, and for designing various kinds of service systems in general.
This paper presents an organic view of prototyping for managing dynamic factors involved in evolutionary design of information systems (IS). Those dynamic factors can be caused by, for example, continuing suggestions from users, changes in the technologies, and users-designers learning related stepwise progresses. Expanding the evolutionary prototyping to ‘start small and grow’, the organic view of prototyping proposes two prerequisites to do so, namely 1) a sustainable and adaptive ‘embryo’ – an organic structure of the future system, and 2) an embedded learning and feedback management that the actors of the system (users, designers, decision makers, administrators) can communicate with each other. An example of eHealth system design demonstrates how the prerequisites can be implemented.
Abstract: e-Health has been one of the most expected IT (information technology) applications just like e-Business, e-Learning, e-Government, and e-Democracy. However, e-Health has not reached the expected scale of use IT. There are challenges especially involved in healthcare sectors that are so different from other sectors. I will stress those challenges and suggest some approaches to meet the challenges from my past 10 years experience as a researcher in this area. I hope this will provide with researchers, entrepreneurs, and practitioners some hints when e-Health is the target area.
As the organiser of the workshop 'IT-stöd för vård och omsorg i hemmet', the author presents a general picture of the subject, and call for one day's discussion with around 30 participants from all around Sweden.
The case study of OVK (Seamless healthcare chain supported by ICT (Obruten vårdkedja med IT –stöd) describes some basic key factors for sucessful eHealth project, and is documented in the projects database in IANIS+
The presentation is a IMIS project report to VINNOVA's programkonferens IT i Hemsjukvård.
IT för sjukvård i hemmet är ett program inom VINNOVAs enhet Tjänster och IT användning.
Based on some identified problems and challenges to the current healthcare system, this paper proposes architecture for developing e-health system to meet the challenges and resolve some problems. The architecture is based on a solid theoretical model of human activity, and it has properties such as sustainability, generality, and expandability. We demonstrate the properties of the architecture through an ongoing research project. We concluded that this architecture can be widely used to integrate various small scale applications of e-health systems and to resolve some current design problems such as interoperability and knowledge sharing.
Knowledge sharing has become an imperative and challenging issue in the E-health field for improving total quality of services. However, since the E-health subject is a multi-disciplinary and cross-organizational area, to have shared concepts, vocabulary plus a specification of its intended meaning, namely an ontology, has been an obstacle to develop e-health system. We will in this paper propose a knowledge sharing ontology on the basis of Activity Theory. We believe that Activity Theory can provide high level and rich ontology for the developers of E-health system to encompass the multi-disciplinary and cross-organizational knowledge. We validate our approach in the end by demonstrating our project IMIS (Integrated Mobile Information System for Healthcare) that uses the activity theory as ontological architecture for the construction of the whole system.
This paper proposes an epistemological model based on cybernetic principles and activity theory to interpret two levels of problems that are intertwined in our social-economic system, namely the liveability and sustainability problems. In the first part of the paper, important principles and concepts from related fields of cybernetics and activity theory are introduced for later construction of a model. In the second part, a model is constructed based on the introduced concepts. To validate the proposed model, the current economic crisis is studied in the third part. An important contribution of the proposed model is a theoretical understanding of the two levels problems, and how to construct macro social-economical policies to avoid similar crisis in the future.
This report shows the result of the work of IANIS+ eHealth work group (WG). The WG has collected regional eHealth experiences from around Europe through a number of activities: • Regional eHealth case studies of which 17 (from 15 regions) are shown in this report • Four joint meetings of the group of which one was a policy seminar with invited guests from the EU Commission, relevant organisations in the field of eHealth and regional authorities • A meeting with the European Commission DG Information Society & Media, Unit H1 eHealth • Collaboration with the eHealth network within the organisation Assembly of European Regions (AER) • Attendance in recent major eHealth conferences: · Personal Health Systems arranged by the European Commission when launching the eHealth part of the 7th Framework Programme, 11-12 February 2007 · The EU-US eHealth Policy Workshop, 10 May 2007 · The final conference of the INTERREG IIIB project Baltic eHealth, 21-22 May 2007 • eHealth seminars at IANIS+ annual conferences in Blekinge 2006 and Bilbao 2007 The innovation perspective of eHealth in the regions has been the focus for the IANIS+ eHealth WG. Regional diversity regarding strategies, policies, and action plans for eHealth can act as a driving factor for successful eHealth projects, but leads also to challenges for interoperability, standardisation, integrity and security. It is important to learn from others. It may be about how to choose the right technology or what methods to use for implementation. Depending on what area of eHealth, there are numerous projects and up-and-running services from which we can learn. Not to forget there are also many experiences from unsuccessful trials. Even if an eHealth solution has failed in one setting, it can be a success under different circumstances. The aim of the IANIS+ eHealth Working Group was to share experience between regions belonging to the network, and bring up some issues of good practice for regional eHealth implementation. Projects brought up in the IANIS+ working group are projects in there own rights, with pros and cons. The projects cover different perspectives and types of eHealth. Some were difficult to evaluate while others are valuable comparable experiences from different settings and circumstances. In any case, we can learn something from all the cases as examples from reality and as a complement to formal evaluations and scientific studies of eHealth. We would rather use the term good practice than best practice. There is always something good to learn from others while there is hardly any best practice that works under every circumstance.
This paper deals with the design problems in healthcare information systems on how to adapt to dynamic factors and diversities so as to reach the interoperability between healthcare actors. Those dynamic factors and diversities are caused by, for example, constant suggestions from users, changes in the applied technologies, and after-learning related stepwise progresses. We suggest applying Web services technology, especially the idea of Semantic Web to tackle the problem of diversity in healthcare branch. In order to tackle the problem of dynamic changes during the design process, we suggest an evolutionary design methodology based upon an organic development metaphor – embryonic prototyping approach (EmA). We demonstrate our idea by the project IMIS that is to design a semantic Web service for the diabetic healthcare.
The design of eHealth systems calls for a clear needs analysis and functions based on the users’ perspective. However, this is often the most difficult part of designing eHealth service systems, because of the diversity of users and diversified needs. This paper provides a general mapping and overview of the basic functions of eHealth systems identified through two studies: (1) a comprehensive study of the resource book of eHealth projects under the European Sixth Framework programme (FP6), and (2) a theoretical study based on the framework of Activity Theory. The first study provides the eHealth system designers with an overview of a number of important and particular functions that the users/citizens need in order to get good services; while the second study presents a fundamental ‘skeleton’ and architecture for providing those particular functions in an orderly and coherent system.
The problem of providing effective and appropriate healthcare to elderly and disable people home has been increasingly talked around. Information and communication technology (ICT) is believed to enable home healthcare management to mitigate some problems. This paper is to contribute IoT (Internet of things) architecture to achieve connectivity with the patient, sensors and everything around it. A four-level model including ‘personal-family-community-hospital’ is constructed in order to provide complete and intelligent health management services to elderly home, which provides sustainable healthcare service for elderly people. This new solution makes both the elderly life easier and the healthcare process more effective.
Knowledge sharing has become an important issue that challenges the efficient healthcare delivery in eHealth system. It also rises as one of the mostdemanding applications with reference to dynamic interactivities among various healthcare actors (e.g. doctors, nurses, patients, relatives of patients). Inthis paper, we suggest an activity theory based ontology model to represent various healthcare actors. The goal of the suggested model is to enhance inte-ractivities among these healthcare actors for conducting more efficient knowledge sharing, which helps to design eHealth system. To validate the feasibilityof suggested ontology model, three typical use cases are further studied. A questionnaire based survey is carried out and the corresponding survey resultsare reported, together with the detailed discussions.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease and a major public health challenge worldwide. Using data mining methods to aid people to predict diabetes has become a popular topic. In this paper, Bayes Network was proposed to predict patients with developing Type-2 diabetes. The dataset used is the Pima Indians Diabetes Data Set, which collects the information of patients with and without developing Type-2 diabetes. Weka software was used throughout this study. Accurate results have been obtained which proves using the proposed Bayes network to predict Type-2 diabetes is effective.
Abstract—eHealth is an emerging area that boosts up with advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Due to variety of eHealth solutions developed by different IT firms with no unified standards, interoperability issue has raised. In this paper, a case study in Blekinge County healthcare organizations has been conducted for understanding the contexts of eHealth interoperability issues. Then a peer-to-peer (P2P) model based on JXTA platform is implemented to solve the identified eHealth interoperability problems. According to the test result of the prototype, the suggested syntactic level interoperability among healthcare organizations has been achieved.
In the eHealth system, the appointment scheduling is an important task for the delivery of healthcare service among different healthcare actors. The key procedure is to do the decision making on the selection of suitable appointments between the care providers and the care receivers. The appointment decisionis a sophisticated problem in terms of how to efficiently deal with various parameters of involved healthcare actors. To solve this problem, we suggest a smart system called eHealth Appointment Scheduling System (eHASS). eHASS takes into account both heterogeneous aspects and interoperability requirements of eHealth system. As such, eHASS is capable of jointly considering various appointment characterizations and decision making algorithms for conducting appointment scheduling. The paper reports the eHASS architecture as well as the related work-in-progress.
Today, knowledge sharing raises as an important issue that challenges for the eHealth management system. It becomes one of the most demanding applications with references to the dynamic inter-activities among different health actors and the complex data structures involved in this application. In this paper, we suggest an activity theory based ontology model to scientifically represent various health actors in the eHealth system. The goal of the suggest model is to enhance the inter activities among these health actors for the efficient knowledge sharing purposes. We also develop a prototype software system based on the suggested ontology model. The survey results collected from the system users show the feasibility of the developed software system.
Traditional hospital based care cannot meet all the needs of chronic diseases care in home, especially for elderly people. A new approach applying eHealth that supports interoperable health care is required. To find a way to meet the new needs, we firstly carried out a questionnaire to analyze current problems and needs in chronic disease care. Then we compared possible technical solutions and proposed a cloud model for the identified problems. This model would help chronic patients self-record and control their daily care data, communicate with other patients who have the similar situation. The proposed solution could be also used to integrate data from different healthcare providers for a cooperative work, namely in this paper as Home-based Chronic Diseases Healthcare (HCDH).
Cloud computing in eHealth is an emerging area for only few years. There needs to identify the state of the art and pinpoint challenges and possible directions for researchers and applications developers. Based on this need, we have conducted a systematic review of cloud computing in eHealth. We searched ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Inspec, ISI Web of Science and Springer as well as relevant open-access journals for relevant articles. A total of 237 studies were first searched, of which 44 papers met the Include Criteria. The studies identified three types of studied areas about cloud computing in eHealth, namely (1) cloud-based eHealth framework design (n=13); (2) applications of cloud computing (n=17); and (3) security or privacy control mechanisms of healthcare data in the cloud (n=14). Most of the studies in the review were about designs and concept-proof. Only very few studies have evaluated their research in the real world, which may indicate that the application of cloud computing in eHealth is still very immature. However, our presented review could pinpoint that a hybrid cloud platform with mixed access control and security protection mechanisms will be a main research area for developing citizen centred home-based healthcare applications.
With the development of Internet, social networks get more and more popular, it brings us an idea of designing a virtual community for home-based chronic diseases healthcare. In this paper, we conduct a questionnaire to gather the requirements of the community and describe them with user stories. Afterwards, a conceptual prototype is developed based on the requirements. The proposed virtual community involves healthcare providers, healthcare recipients and other people relevant to the home-based healthcare into one platform. It will solve the interoperability problems of current healthcare systems, as well as provide a technical solution of home-based healthcare.
Recently, the care of chronic disease has become a worldwide challenge. Although the healthcare domain has begun to adopt new ICT technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing, it is still in its initial phase. In this chapter, the authors conduct a small-scale two-step case study of diabetes care in Blekinge, Sweden. The first step is intended to acquire insight into the actual care situation to improve the original conceptual model. In the second step, we validate the feasibility of the improved model working in real healthcare. The results show that the Internet of Things and cloud computing is acceptable by both healthcare providers and recipients for home-based chronic diseases healthcare with little concerns of security and privacy in the future. In our hybrid cloud model, hospitals and primary healthcare centers could continue using their own exciting databases as private clouds. The best approach for home-based healthcare data is to collect it by connecting the different devices directly and storing and processing them in public clouds. To realize this model in the future, we suggest that a professional IT healthcare education team should be created to support both healthcare providers and recipients. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
The internet based social network has been applied to serve many social functions, such as democratic decision making, knowledge sharing, educa‐ tion, and healthcare. In this paper, we provide a prototype of virtual community designed for home-based chronic diseases healthcare. We studied the concept “community” from the activity theory model in order to design the prototype with a solid theoretical base. Then we conducted a questionnaire from healthcare recipients and interviewed healthcare providers to gather the requirements for the design of the community. With some user stories we described the requirements as use cases for our design and a conceptual prototype is built based on the requirements. This virtual community servers as a shared platform for all the stakeholders who are engaged in the healthcare activity. With this shared community platform, the interoperability problems of current healthcare systems can be moderated
In recent years, sharing healthcare information becomes one of essential requirements of e-health development. To cover this gap, different solutions are presented through different technologies. In this paper, we proposed a cloud computing solution for sharing healthcare information based on Google App Engine (GAE). With the experiment test results, we achieve interoperability among different healthcare centers and between healthcare providers and receivers with high stability and availability.
Nowadays, patient self-management is encouraged in home-based healthcare, especially for chronic disease care. Sharing health information could improve the quality of patient self-management. In this paper, we introduce cloud computing as a potential technology to provide a more sustainable long-term solution compared with other technologies. A hybrid cloud is identified as a suitable way to enable patients to share health information for promoting the treatment of chronic diseases. And then a prototype on the case of type 2 diabetes is implemented to prove the feasibility of the proposed solution.
Collaborative learning can effectively improve the learning efficiency of learners rather individual learning. Activity theory is a theoretical framework for analyzing human practices as developmental processes with both individual and social levels interlinked at the same time. Learn is a activity, in this paper, we analyze the composition of collaborative network learning activity including goals, subjects, objects, tools and rules. finally, We design a multi-agent system for collaborative network learning, structure and function of every hype agent are discussed
Human Agent Interaction (HAI) is considered as a sub area in Human Computer Interaction (HCI), in which the computer systems are specified as agent systems. Computer agents are different from traditional Information Systems in aspects of autonomy, adaptivity, and persona when interacting with human users. The usability principles in HCI research should be refined to focus on agent special characteristics when designing agent systems. We argue that flexibility should be especially enhanced in such a case.
The complexity of knowledge plays an important role in the success of any types of knowledge acquisition algorithms performing on large-scale database. LERS (Learning from examples based on rough sets) system is a rule based knowledge acquisition system that is characterized by excellent accuracy, but the complexity of generated rule set is not taken into account. This may cause interpretation problems for human and the classification knowledge may overfit training data. In this paper, CompactLEM2 is proposed as a scalable knowledge acquisition method that extracts rule set with easily understood rule forms, i.e., small size of rule set and short rule forms, without sacrificing classification accuracy. The main advantage of CompactLEM2 is its high efficiency. It can also produce compact rule set that fully or approximately describes classifications of given examples. We theoretically and experimentally show that CompactLEM2 exhibits log-linear asymptotic complexity with the number of training examples in most cases. We also present an example to illustrate characteristics of this algorithm. Finally, the capabilities of our method are demonstrated on eleven datasets. Experimental results are encouraging, and show that the length of extracted rule forms are short, and size of rule set is small, keeping the same level of classification accuracy of other rule acquisition methods in LERS system.
The key problem in knowledge acquisition algorithm is how to deal with large-scale datasets and extract small number of compact rules. In recent years, several approaches to distributed data mining have been developed, but only a few of them benefit rough set based knowledge acquisition methods. This paper is intended to combine multi-agent technology into rough set based knowledge acquisition method. We briefly review the multi-knowledge acquisition algorithm, and propose a novel approach of distributed multi-knowledge acquisition method. Information system is decomposed into sub-systems by independent partition attribute set. Agent based knowledge acquisition tasks depend on universes of sub-systems, and the agent-oriented implementation is discussed. The main advantage of the method is that it is efficient on large-scale datasets and avoids generating excessive rules. Finally, the capabilities of our method are demonstrated on several datasets and results show that rules acquired are compact, having classification accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art methods.
We introduce the notion of generating decision rules that involve inequalities. While a conventional decision rule expresses the trivial equality relations between attributes and values from the same or different objects, inequality rules express the non-equivalent relationships between attributes and values. The problem of mining inequality rules is formulated as a process of mining equality rules from a compensatory decision table. In order to mine high-order inequality rules, one can transform the original decision table to a high-order compensatory decision table, in which each new entity is a pair of objects. Any standard data-mining algorithm can then be used. We theoretically analyze the complexity of proposed models based on their meta-level representation in cognitive informatics. Mining inequalities in decision table makes a complementary feature of a rule induction system, which may result in generating a small number of short rules for domains where attributes have large number of values, and when majority of them are correlated with the same decision class.
Traditional rule learners employ equality relations between attributes and values to express decision rules. However, inequality relationships, as supplementary relations to equation, can make up a new function for complex knowledge acquisition. We firstly discuss an extended compensatory model of decision table, and examine how it can simultaneously express both equality and inequality relationships of attributes and values. In order to cope with large-scale compensatory decision table, we propose a scalable inequality rule leaner, which initially compresses the input spaces of attribute value pairs. Example and experimental results show that the proposed learner can generate compact rule sets that maintain higher classification accuracies than equality rule learners.
Rough set theory is an efficient tool for machine learning and knowledge acquisition. By introducing weightiness into a fuzzy approximation space, a new rule induction algorithm is proposed, which combines three types of uncertainty: weightiness, fuzziness and roughness. We first define the key concepts of block, minimal complex and local covering in a weighted fuzzy approximation space, then a weighted fuzzy approximation space based rule learner, and finally a weighted certainty factor for evaluating fuzzy classification rules. The time complexity of proposed rule learner is theoretically analyzed. Furthermore, in order to estimate the performance of the proposed method on class imbalanced and hybrid datasets, we compare our method with classical methods by conducting experiments on fifteen datasets. Comparative studies indicate that rule sets extracted by this method get a better performance on minority class than other approaches. It is therefore concluded that the proposed rule learner is an effective method for class imbalanced and hybrid data learning.
From the perspective of cognitive informatics, cognition can be viewed as the acquisition of knowledge. In real-world applications, information systems usually contain some degree of noisy data. A new model proposed to deal with the hybrid-feature selection problem combines the neighbourhood approximation and variable precision rough set models. Then rule induction algorithm can learn from selected features in order to reduce the complexity of rule sets. Through proposed integration, the knowledge acquisition process becomes insensitive to the dimensionality of data with a pre-defined tolerance degree of noise and uncertainty for misclassification. When the authors apply the method to a Chinese diabetic diagnosis problem, the hybrid-attribute reduction method selected only five attributes from totally thirty-four measurements. Rule learner produced eight rules with average two attributes in the left part of an IF-THEN rule form, which is a manageable set of rules. The demonstrated experiment shows that the present approach is effective in handling real-world problems.
Rule induction plays an important role in knowledge discovery process. Rough set based rule induction algorithms are characterized by excellent accuracy, but they lack the abilities to deal with hybrid attributes such as numeric or fuzzy attributes. In real-world applications, data usually exists with hybrid formats, and thus a unified rule induction algorithm for hybrid data learning is desirable. We firstly model different types of attributes in equivalence relationship, and define the key concepts of block, minimal complex and local covering based on fuzzy rough sets model, then propose a rule induction algorithm for hybrid data learning. Furthermore, in order to estimate performance of the proposed method, we compare it with state-of-the-art methods for hybrid data learning. Comparative studies indicate that rule sets extracted by this method can not only achieve comparable accuracy, but also get more compact rule sets. It is therefore concluded that the proposed method is effective for hybrid data learning.
The utilization of Web services is becoming a human labor consuming work as the rapid growth of Web. The semantic annotated service description can support more automatic ways on tasks such as service discovery, invocation and composition. But the adoption of existed Semantic Web Services solutions is hindering by their overly complexity and high expertise demand. In this paper we propose a highly lightweight and non-intrusive method to enrich the REST Web service resources with semantic annotations to support a more autonomous Web service utilization and generic client service interaction. It is achieved by turning the service description into a semantic resource graph represented in RDF, with the added tag based semantic annotation and a small vocabulary. The method is implemented with the popular OpenAPI service description format, and illustrated by a simple use case example.
Health data integration enables a collaborative utilization of data across different systems. It not only provides a comprehensive view of a patient’s health but can also potentially cope with challenges faced by the current healthcare system. In this literature review, we investigated the existing work on heterogeneous health data integration as well as the methods of utilizing the integrated health data. Our search was narrowed down to 32 articles for analysis. The integration approaches in the reviewed articles were classified into three classifications, and the utilization approaches were classified into five classifications. The topic of health data integration is still under debate and problems are far from being resolved. This review suggests the need for a more efficient way to invoke the various services for aggregating health data, as well as a more effective way to integrate the aggregated health data for supporting collaborative utilization. We have found that the combination of Web Application Programming Interface and Semantic Web technologies has the potential to cope with the challenges based on our analysis of the review result.
Effective and convenient self-management of health requires collaborative utilization of health data from different services provided by healthcare providers, consumer-facing products and even open data on the Web. Although health data interoperability standards include Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) have been developed and promoted, it is impossible for all the different categories of services to adopt in the near future. The objective of this study aims to apply Semantic Web technologies to integrate the health data from heterogeneously built services. We present an Web Ontology Language (OWL)-based ontology that models together health data from FHIR standard implemented services, normal Web services and Linked Data. It works on the resource integration layer of the presented layered integration architecture. An example use case that demonstrates how this method integrates the health data into a linked semantic health resource graph with the proposed ontology is presented.
The vast amount of Web services brings the problem of discovering desired services for composition and orchestration. The syntactic service matching methods based on the classical set theory have a difficulty to capture the imprecise information. Therefore, an approximate service matching approach based on fuzzy control is explored in this paper. A service description matching model to the OpenAPI specification, which is the most widely used standard for describing the defacto REST Web services, is proposed to realize the fuzzy service matching with the fuzzy inference method developed by Mamdani and Assilian. An evaluation shows that the fuzzy service matching approach performed slightly better than the weighted approach in the setting context.
Various health Web services host a huge amount of health data about patients. The heterogeneity of the services hinders the collaborative utilization of these health data, which can provide a valuable support for the self-management of chronic diseases. The combination of REST Web services and Semantic Web technologies has proven to be a viable approach to address the problem. This paper proposes a method to add semantic annotations to the REST Web services. The service descriptions and the resource representations with semantic annotations can be transformed into a resource graph. It integrates health data from different services, and can link to the health-domain ontologies and Linked Open Health Data to support health management and imaginative applications. The feasibility of out method is demonstrated by realizing with OpenAPI service description and JSON-LD representation in an example use case.