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  • Disputation: 2025-02-27 10:00 Ateljén, Karlshamn
    Nawaz, Omer
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för teknik och estetik.
    Examining QoE Influence Factors: The Interplay of Perception and Experience2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    The future trend of internet usage increasingly emphasizes visual modes of engagement and user interactions across complex scenarios, including multimedia video, gaming, mapping services, and immersive applications. Consequently, the success of media creators, application developers, and service providers hinges on selecting appropriate tools and technologies to optimize the user experience. Quality of Experience (QoE) offers a framework for evaluating user experience and satisfaction with applications or services by using both objective and subjective metrics. It is important to recognize that various factors can influence user feedback, including different traits of human personality, interactions with systems, and the context in which they are used.

    In this thesis, we adopt a holistic approach to evaluate the QoE for video quality and outdoor applications, focusing on system, human, and contextual influence factors. From a system perspective, we investigate the performance of widely implemented video codecs and propose more effective objective QoE metrics. The objective results are benchmarked against subjective outcomes to underscore their limitations in quantifying user experience, which is influenced by numerous factors beyond system-related aspects. Regarding human influence factors, our analysis encompasses user delight with the content presented, mood, gender, and the impact of eye-tracking on user assessments. A key observation is the critical importance of selecting stimuli that effectively engage users to accurately capture the true impact of user delight in the context of mobile gaming. For contextual factors, we examine the frequency of use and highlight the distinction between assumptions and actual experiences during user evaluations of outdoor activities. Our findings reveal the notable effects of these influence factors, particularly user delight, which demonstrated significant outcomes. The impact of visual attention on user behavior and subsequent ratings was also established. Furthermore, we identify limitations in existing QoE metrics and underscore the need for more cohesive QoE models that effectively engage users with mobility-driven applications or services that are not confined to multimedia streaming. These insights are drawn from several use cases reflecting the evolving ways in which users are interacting with systems nowadays. Our findings highlight the need for future QoE methodologies to evolve, by integrating the complex interplay of technical and human-centric variables. This evolution is essential to develop flexible, dynamic, and scalable solutions that cater to the demands of diverse applications.

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  • Disputation: 2025-02-28 13:00 J1630, Karlskrona
    Frattini, Julian
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Good-Enough Requirements Engineering2025Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: High-quality requirements are considered crucial for successful software development endeavors as the requirements' purpose is to inform subsequent activities like implementation or testing. Requirements quality defects have been shown to incur significant costs for remediation, scaling up even to project failure. At the same time, the effort to improve the quality of requirements must be justified. Organizations developing software, therefore, need to understand when their requirements artifacts are of "good enough'' quality, i.e., they need to be able to identify the optimum between over- and under-engineering.

    Problem: The body of knowledge in requirements quality does not yet offer solutions that would allow organizations to identify that optimum due to three shortcomings: (1) there is no generally accepted, theoretical foundation to describe requirements quality that can serve as a basis to coordinate distributed research efforts and the synthesis of evidence in the field, (2) the scientific practice currently applied in the field is of limited rigor to draw reliable conclusions from existing empirical contributions, and (3) the field lacks empirical evidence that can be aggregated to form a holistic view of requirements quality. These are potential causes for the lack of adoption of requirements quality research in practice.

    Goal: In this cumulative, publication-based thesis, we address these three shortcomings and aim to contribute to a more evidence-based approach to requirements quality research grounded in scientific theory.

    Method: First, we develop a theoretical foundation by adopting and integrating existing software engineering theories. Second, we evaluate the state of the art of data analysis and open science in the field and provide guidelines to improve these practices. Third, we demonstrate the application of these guidelines and conduct a controlled experiment to contribute additional empirical evidence to the field.

    Results: The resulting set of analytical theories specifies requirements quality and provides a structure for future empirical contributions. Our evaluation of the state of the art shows both the need for a common theoretical foundation as well as support for applying rigorous research practices. Our empirical studies contribute to these needs and illustrate the complexity of the impact that requirements quality defects have on subsequent activities. Finally, we develop a method for the effective aggregation of empirical results.

    Conclusion: Our theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions help to coordinate a productive and constructive research agenda on requirements quality that is based on evidence and grounded in theory. This allows for rigorous and practically relevant research that ultimately informs organizations on how to engineer good-enough requirements.

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