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  • Gerell, Manne
    et al.
    Malmö Universitet.
    Boldt, Martin
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Borg, Anton
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Lewenhagen, Kenneth
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Chrysoulakis, Alberto P.
    Malmö Universitet.
    Slutrapport brottsförebyggande forskning: Projekt finansierade av donation från Länsförsäkringar Skåne 2020-242025Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under våren 2019 initierades en diskussion mellan Stefan Sinteus vid polisen i Malmö, Susanne Bäsk som VD för Länsförsäkringar Skåne samt Manne Gerell från Malmö Universitet om hur LF Skåne skulle kunna stötta ett projekt med fokus på trygghet i samhället. Utgångspunkten var att det saknas mycket kunskap om vad av det polisen gör som fungerar, och att det fanns ett behov av att stötta polisen med utvecklingsprojekt och utvärderingar. Den diskussionen utmynnade i en donation på fem miljoner kronor för att Malmö Universitet under 2020-2024 skulle kunna genomföra studier om brottsförebyggande och trygghetsskapande arbete. Arbetet har genomförts i samarbete med framför allt polisområde Malmö, men även andra delar av polismyndigheten samt länsstyrelsen och kommuner. En ambition har varit att ha en tvärvetenskaplig ansats, och projektet har under hela tiden inkluderat datavetenskapliga forskare från Blekinge Tekniska högskola. Under delar av projektet har också epidemiologen Carolina Ellberg, nationalekonomen Niklas Jakobsson samt kriminologen Alberto Chrysoulakis deltagit i projektet. 

    Tanken var från början att på ett snabbt och lättillgängligt sätt kunna bistå polis och andra aktörer med svar på frågor från deras verksamhet av typen ”får den här insatsen den effekt vi är ute efter”? För att möjliggöra det har möten hållits halvårsvis med representanter för polisen i Malmö där det diskuterats vilka frågor som är intressanta att titta närmare på. Utifrån den diskussionen samt forskarnas egna idéer har projekt initierats. Vissa projekt har genomförts på en termin medan andra projekt dragit ut över flera år. En del projekt som har varit tänkta att genomföras har bortfallit av olika anledningar. Totalt handlar det om 16 delprojekt som initierats vilka kort sammanfattas i denna rapport. 

    Generellt kan det konstateras att tydliga positiva effekter i många av studierna ej kan identifieras. Det är svårt att förebygga brott. Samtidigt kan det dock konstateras att de flesta studierna identifierar olika positiva aspekter på de insatser som görs ändå, t ex bättre underrättelser, fler beslagtagna vapen eller förbättrad samverkan. Studierna kommer nedan att presenteras kronologiskt, förutom avseende de mer datavetenskapliga studierna som tas upp i slutet. Inledningen av 2020 gick till stor del åt till att rekrytera personal, skriva samverkansavtal och liknande, men en större studie hann också genomföras under vårterminen. 

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • Altenby Larsen, Malin
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för fysisk planering.
    Bensköld, Manda
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för fysisk planering.
    Progressionsplan – en nyckel till framtidens utbildning2024Inngår i: Lärarlärdom 2024, Kristianstad, 2024Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Digital kompetens är en avgörande förutsättning för att människor ska kunna delta i och förstå dagens och framtidens samhälle. Sveriges universitet och högskolor har en viktig roll då digitalisering påverkar innehållet i utbildningar (Regeringen 2022).

    Det är inte endast utbildningen i sig som får nya möjligheter och krav i och med digitaliseringens framfart (SKR 2022). För planeringsarkitekter finns det sedan 2022 krav på att informationen i detaljplaner kan tillgängliggöras och behandlas digitalt och från och med 2027 gäller det även för översiktsplaner och regionplaner (Boverket 2023; Boverket 2024). Detta ställer allt högre krav på att studenterna som lämnar oss är skickliga användare av diverse digitala verktyg. Planeraren använder digitala verktyg på flera olika sätt, till exempel digitala medborgardialogeroch samråd med hjälp av VR. 

    På kandidatprogrammet i fysisk planering lär vi ut grundläggande kunskap i ett antal verktyg/program men vi saknar ett helhetsgrepp om progressionen mellan kurserna. För att förbereda våra studenter för de förväntningar och krav som ställs efter examen finns behov av att undersöka hur utbildningen i digitala verktyg distribueras över kandidatprogrammet. Vi ställt oss flera frågor: Utbildar vi i aktuella digitala verktyg? Hur ser progressionen ut mellan kurserna? Vilka kompetensbehov anger framtida arbetsgivare och vilka framtidsspaningar gör branschen?

    Vi kommer presentera:

    • Kartläggning av nuläge

    • Enkätstudie 

    • Förslag på progressionsplan

    • Resultatets koppling till utbildningsmål

    Genom att fokusera på progression får vi ett helhetsgrepp om utbildningen och får möjlighet attkonkret se hur studenternas lärande utvecklas över tid och stegvis uppnår utbildningens mål (Pelger 2022). En genomtänkt progression skapar en meningsfull och effektiv inlärningsupplevelse för studenterna. Att kartlägga ett utbildningsprogram efter ett tema, som digitala verktyg i detta fall, ger möjlighet att se helhet och överblicka den progression studenterna förväntas göra. Detta är ett arbetssätt som går att anpassa och applicera på andra teman och utbildningsprogram.

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  • Karlsson, Charlie
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi.
    Hammarsssfelt, Björn
    Borås University.
    The growth and development of Nordic regional science research 1982-2022: bibliometric evidence from thirteen regional science journals2025Inngår i: The annals of regional science, ISSN 0570-1864, E-ISSN 1432-0592, Vol. 74, nr 1, artikkel-id 21Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In a paper published in 2020, Philip McCann gives a qualitative overview of "the Nordic contribution to regional science", which, however, only includes contributions by Swedish regional science researchers. The purpose of this paper is to complement McCann's overview by highlighting Nordic contributions to regional science in the period 1983-2022 through a bibliometric analysis of publications in a set of thirteen regional science journals indexed in Web of Science, using several standard bibliometric tools. Our most interesting and surprising result is that the number of "Nordic" publications in the chosen set of journals has grown more than six times faster than the total number of publications in these journals between 1983-1992 and 2013-2022. This implies that the "Nordic" regional science researchers have increased their "market share" from 1.9 to 9.1 per cent. During the same period, the share of co-authored papers increased from 50.0 to 82.9 per cent and the share of international co-authorships increased from 0 to 50.0 per cent and went from being a mainly intra-European activity to a global activity. This process is also reflected in a certain international influence on the research topics during the four periods analysed, but to a considerable extent it seems that the Nordic regional scientists have pursued their own Nordic research themes. In terms of individual research productivity, there was the expected skewed distribution with a small number of researchers with a large research output. At the institutional level, there were notable changes in the ranking of institutions in terms of number of authorships, but one institution-Ume & aring; University-ranked among the Nordic top-2 in all four periods.

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  • Minhas, Nasir Mehmood
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik. Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden.
    Nasir, Nayla
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Ghazi, Sarah Nauman
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för hälsa.
    Ghazi, Ahmad Nauman
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Adapting to New Educational Environments: Experiences of Pakistani Teachers and Students in Swedish Universities2024Inngår i: Lärarlärdom 2024, Kristianstad, 2024Konferansepaper (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The higher education systems of Sweden and Pakistan differ significantly in structure, teaching practices, and educational culture, creating unique challenges for Pakistani teachers and students transitioning to Swedish universities. This study provides a comparative analysis of these higher education systems, focusing on their structures and teaching practices. Insights are drawn from interviews with Pakistani teachers who have experience studying and teaching in both countries.

    These interviews offer a comparative view of teaching practices, assessment methods, and institutional cultures. The teachers share the challenges they faced when transitioning from teaching in Pakistan to Sweden and the strategies they employed to overcome these challenges. Additionally, the study highlights the challenges Pakistani students face in Swedish universities, such as cultural integration and academic adjustments. The teachers also recommended strategies to overcome the challenges students face during their studies in Swedish universities.

    Comparing different education systems from structural aspects [1] or stakeholders' viewpoints [2] is not a new concept. Previous studies have compared Swedish and Pakistani educational systems [3, 4]; however, the unique context of identifying challenges specific to Pakistani teachers and students was not found in the literature. By identifying these challenges and strategies, this study aims to improve the educational experiences of Pakistani teachers and students in Sweden, fostering better academic integration and success. The findings offer practical insights and strategies based on the experiences of teachers who have navigated this transition. These recommendations provide valuable guidance for both individuals and institutions, with many strategies being implementable at the individual level. These insights facilitate smoother transitions, promote cultural integration, and support academic success in diverse educational environments.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • Silonosov, Alexandr
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Henesey, Lawrence
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Towards cryptographic agility manifesto in end-to-end encryption systems: a position paper from the perspective of crypto-consumers2024Inngår i: Proceedings - 2024 IEEE Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, DASC 2024, IEEE Computer Society, 2024, s. 65-72Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This position paper presents the preliminary results from a research study focusing on cryptographic agility for consumers of open-source cryptographic libraries. We provide a concise overview of frontiers and recent advancements in cryptographic agility research frontier, examining the utilized approaches and emphasizing the perception of application layer encryption in end-to-end encryption systems. The paper delves into the state of practice of cryptographic libraries and programming interfaces, outlining recognized challenges and knowledge gaps that warrant exploration through new scientific research. Furthermore, we outline the values of cryptographic agility in a manifesto and propose a survey structure to validate our assumptions. 

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  • Izu, Cruz
    et al.
    University of Adelaide, Australia.
    Mirolo, Claudio
    University of Udine, Italy.
    Börstler, Jürgen
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Connamacher, Harold
    Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA.
    Crosby, Ryan
    Durham University, United Kingdom.
    Glassey, Richard
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
    Haldeman, Georgiana
    Colgate University, USA.
    Kiljunen, Olli
    Aalto University, Finland.
    Kumar, Amruth N.
    Ramapo College of New Jersey, USA.
    Liu, David
    University of Toronto, Canada.
    Luxton-Reilly, Andrew
    University of Auckland, New Zealand.
    Matsumoto, Stephanos
    Olin College of Engineering, USA.
    Carneiro de Oliveira, Eduardo
    Utrecht University, Netherlands.
    Russell, SeÁn
    University College, Ireland.
    Shah, Anshul
    University of California, USA.
    Introducing Code Quality at CS1 Level: Examples and Activities2024Inngår i: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education: Working Group Reports, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024, s. 339-377Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Characterising code quality is a challenge that was addressed by a previous ITiCSE Working Group (Börstler et al., 2017). As emerged from that study, educators, developers, and students have different perceptions of the aspects involved. The perception of code quality by CS1 students develops from the feedback they receive when submitting practical work. As a consequence of increasingly large classes and the widespread use of autograders, student code is predominantly assessed based on functional correctness, emphasising a machine-oriented perspective with scarce or no feedback given about human-oriented aspects of code quality. Such limited perception of code quality may negatively impact how students understand, create, and interact with code artefacts. Although Börstler et al. concluded that "code quality should be discussed more thoroughly in educational programs", the lack of materials and time constraints have slowed down progress in that regard. The goal of this Working Group is to support CS1 instructors who want to introduce a broader perspective on code quality in their classroom by providing a curated list of examples and activities suitable for novices. In order to achieve this goal, we have extracted from the CS education literature a range of examples and activities, which have then been analyzed and organized in terms of code quality dimensions. We have also mapped the topics covered in those materials to existing taxonomies relevant to code quality in CS1. Based on this work, we provide (1) a catalog of examples that illustrates the range of quality defects that could be addressed at the CS1 level and (2) a sample set of activities devised to introduce code quality to CS1 students. These materials have the potential to help educators address the subject in more depth.

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  • Bentsson, Viveca Wallin
    et al.
    Kristianstad University.
    Aoki, Akira
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan.
    Mizutani, Koji
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan.
    Lindahl, Christel
    Kristianstad University.
    Renvert, Stefan
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för hälsa.
    Treatment of peri-implant mucositis using an Er:YAG laser or an ultrasonic device: a randomized, controlled clinical trial2025Inngår i: International Journal of Implant Dentistry, E-ISSN 2198-4034, Vol. 11, nr 1, artikkel-id 6Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]


    The study assessed the clinical outcomes following treatment of peri-implant mucositis using Er:YAG laser or an ultrasonic device over six months. Patients' experience of pain, aesthetics, and Quality of life were further assessed.


    One dental implant, per included patient, diagnosed with peri-implant mucositis underwent treatment with an Er:YAG laser (test) or an ultrasonic scaler (control) randomly. Treatments were performed at baseline and months three and six. At each session, oral hygiene was instructed after plaque registration, and the patient was guided in proper cleaning technique using a toothbrush and interproximal aids as needed. Full mouth bleeding on probing (FMBoP), full mouth plaque score (FMPS), implant bleeding on probing (BoP), implant mean graded bleeding (mBI), implant probing pocket depts (PPD), implant suppuration and bone levels were assessed. Oral health-related Quality of life (OHQoL) and visual analog scales (VAS), which reflect aesthetic satisfaction and pain of the treatment, were also evaluated.


    Forty-six patients were included. FMBoP was significantly reduced from 30.1 to 21.5% (test) (p < 0.001) respectively from 35.0% to 30% (control) (p < 0.01). FMPS showed significant reduction from 61.5 to 32.7% (test) (p < 0.001) and from 58.7 to 39.1% (control) (p < 0.001). At the implant BoP reduced from 89.0 to 55.7% (test) (p < 0.001) respectively from 94.9 to 63.7% (control) (p < 0.001). mBI was reduced from 1.3 to 0.6 (test) (p < 0.01) and from 1.9 to 0.8 (control) (p < 0.001). Distribution of "no bleeding" increased from 13 to 61% (test) (p < 0.05) and from 0 to 35% (control) (p < 0.05). At month three, statistically significant intergroup differences were shown for PPD >= 4 mm with 43.5% (test) respectively 73.9% (control) (p < 0.05). At month six, statistically significant intergroup differences, were shown for FMBoP 21.5% (test) respectively 30% (control) (p < 0.05) and for plaque score at the implant 4.0% (test) respectively 26% (control) (p < 0.05). Less pain was reported in the laser group at three days 0.08 (test) respectively 0.2 (control) (p < 0.05).


    Treatment of peri-implant mucositis was effective regardless of whether the treatment was performed with an Er:YAG laser or an ultrasonic scaler. Fewer diseased sites were diagnosed at six months following laser treatment.Trial registration: Registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov: study no, NCT05772299. Conclusions Treatment of peri-implant mucositis was effective regardless of whether the treatment was performed with an Er:YAG laser or an ultrasonic scaler. Fewer diseased sites were diagnosed at six months following laser treatment. Trial registration: Registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov: study no, NCT05772299.

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • Hu, Yan
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Tutschku, Kurt
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Boeva, Veselka
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Goswami, Prashant
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Abghari, Shahrooz
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Sundstedt, Veronica
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Towards an Ethical and Data Privacy Metrology for AI-Enriched Human-Centered XR Systems2024Inngår i: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering, MetroXRAINE 2024 - Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024, s. 119-124Konferansepaper (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper works towards an initial ontology of assessment techniques for building AI-enriched human-centered XR systems, denoted Intelligent Realities (IRs). Rather than connecting technologies, our work analyses the characteristics and requirements of IRs of being 'human-centered' and creates an ontology of techniques to assess and measure these features. To achieve this, we use an approach based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to establish a concept hierarchy from a set of critical concepts in the area and their properties. The novel concept defines a metrology, i.e., a set of concepts and units of measurement that can be used to shape the architecture of human-centered XR and metaverse systems. Our work focuses particularly on the ethical and privacy needs of system design. 

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  • Witschard, Daniel
    et al.
    Linnaeus University.
    Jusufi, Ilir
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Kucher, Kostiantyn
    Linköping University.
    Kerren, Andreas
    Linnaeus University.
    Visually guided extraction of prevalent topics2025Inngår i: Information Visualization, ISSN 1473-8716, E-ISSN 1473-8724Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The sensemaking process of large sets of text documents is highly challenging for tasks such as obtaining a comprehensive overview or keeping up with the most important trends and topics. Even though several established methods for condensation and summarization of large text corpora exist, many of them lack the ability to account for difference in prevalence between identified topics, which in turn impedes quantitative analysis. In this paper, we therefore propose a novel prevalence-aware method for topic extraction, and show how it can be used to obtain important insights from two text corpora with very different content. We also implemented a prototype visual analytics tool which guides the user in the search for relevant insights and promotes trust in the yielded results. We have verified our application by a user study, as well as by a validation run on a data set with previously known topic structure. The results clearly show that our approach is suitable for text mining, that it can be used by non-experts, and that it offers features which makes it an interesting candidate for use in several different analysis scenarios. 

    Fulltekst (pdf)
  • Arioli, Veronica
    et al.
    University of Bergamo, Italy.
    Pezzotta, Giuditta
    University of Bergamo, Italy.
    Romero, David
    Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico.
    Adrodegari, Federico
    University of Brescia, Italy.
    Sata, Roberto
    University of Bergamo, Italy.
    Rapaccini, Mario
    University of Florence, Italy.
    Saccani, Nicola
    University of Brescia, Italy.
    Marjanovic, Uglesia
    University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
    Rakic, Slavco
    University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
    West, Shaun
    Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts Technik & Architektur, Switzerland.
    Stoll, Oliver
    Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts Technik & Architektur, Switzerland.
    Wiesner, Stefan
    BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Germany.
    Bertoni, Marco
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för maskinteknik.
    Lopez Odriozola, ko
    Mondragon University, Spain.
    Pirola, Fabiana
    University of Bergamo, Italy.
    Gaiardelli, Paolo
    University of Bergamo, Italy.
    Digital servitization business typologies in the manufacturing sector2025Inngår i: International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, ISSN 2217-2661Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Manufacturing companies undergo a transformative journey in digital servitization, necessitating strategic, tactical, and operational shifts. The existing literature outlines the best practices on this process and examines challenges and opportunities through qualitative empirical evidence. We enrich the investigation through a quantitative explanatory research approach, employing a survey targeting manufacturing companies from multiple countries. Analyzing the responses using cluster analysis, we found three business typologies with specific behaviors related to digital servitization: digital experimentalists, strategic pioneers, and digital servitization novices. This research contributes valuable insights into the varied behaviors adopted by manufacturing firms in navigating the digital servitization landscape.

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  • Schwieger, Kay
    et al.
    Iteratec GmbH, Germany.
    Wagner, Stefan
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för matematik och naturvetenskap.
    Realizations of free actions via their fixed point algebras2025Inngår i: Canadian mathematical bulletin, ISSN 0008-4395Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Let G be a compact group, let B be a unital C*-algebra, and let (A, G, a) be a free C*-dynamical system, in the sense of Ellwood, with fixed point algebra B. We prove that (A, G, a) can be realized as the G-continuous part of the invariants of an equivariant coaction of G on a corner of B ? K(H) for a certain Hilbert space H that arises from the freeness of the action.This extends a result byWassermann for free and ergodic C*-dynamical systems. As an application, we show that any faithful *-representation of B on a Hilbert space HB gives rise to a faithful covariant representation of (A, G, a) on some truncation of HB ? H..

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  • Månsson, Jonas
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi.
    Unnikrishnan, Anupama
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi.
    Deiaco, Enrico
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för industriell ekonomi.
    Total Factor Productivity– Its Decomposition and Determinants2025Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med föreliggande produktivitetsprojektet har varit att undersöka möjligheterna att studera produktivitet med hjälp av något mer moderna och kompletta metoder, jämfört med det som vanligtvis används. Arbetet presenteras i två rapporter där föreliggande rapport är del 2. Vår slutsats är att produktivitet låter sig mätas med moderna metoder varför studier som syftar till att mäta produktivitet mycket väl kan använda dessa metoder och index. Att använda partiella mått eller andra förenklingar kan få konsekvenser för de policyrekommendationer som riktas. 

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  • Vizcaíno, Aurora
    et al.
    University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
    Suárez, Julio
    University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
    Šmite, Darja
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    García, Félix O.
    University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
    Understanding Remote Work Experience: Insights Into Well-Being2025Inngår i: Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, ISSN 2047-7473, E-ISSN 2047-7481, Vol. 37, nr 1, artikkel-id e2757Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: After the pandemic, software engineers were forced to work remotely, in many cases without prior experience of doing so.

    Objective: The objective of this work is to analyze the factors that influence engineers' motivation, stress and performance when working remotely after the pandemic, and to what level.

    Methods: A significant number (around 1000) of Latin-American software development professionals from different countries who work remotely were surveyed in order to study the factors that affect them and how when they work in this manner. The data collected from the survey were then statistically analyzed using the partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method.

    Conclusions: The analysis of the data made it possible to conclude that there are direct negative effects of stress on performance and direct positive effects of motivation on performance. In addition, we found that skills, experience, and teamwork behavior, such as trust, communication, and knowledge sharing, play an important role when working remotely. 

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  • Tran, Huynh Khanh Vi
    et al.
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Ali, Nauman bin
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Unterkalmsteiner, Michael
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Börstler, Jürgen
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Chatzipetrou, Panagiota
    Örebro University.
    Quality attributes of test cases and test suites - importance & challenges from practitioners' perspectives2025Inngår i: Software quality journal, ISSN 0963-9314, E-ISSN 1573-1367, Vol. 33, nr 1, artikkel-id 9Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    The quality of the test suites and the constituent test cases significantly impacts confidence in software testing. While research has identified several quality attributes of test cases and test suites, there is a need for a better understanding of their relative importance in practice. We investigate practitioners' perceptions regarding the relative importance of quality attributes of test cases and test suites and the challenges that they face in ensuring the perceived important quality attributes. To capture the practitioners' perceptions, we conducted an industrial survey using a questionnaire based on the quality attributes identified in an extensive literature review. We used a sampling strategy that leverages LinkedIn to draw a large and heterogeneous sample of professionals with experience in software testing. We collected 354 responses from practitioners with a wide range of experience (from less than one year to 42 years of experience). We found that the majority of practitioners rated Fault Detection, Usability, Maintainability, Reliability, and Coverage to be the most important quality attributes. Resource Efficiency, Reusability, and Simplicity received the most divergent opinions, which, according to our analysis, depend on the software-testing contexts. Also, we identified common challenges that apply to the important attributes, namely inadequate definition, lack of useful metrics, lack of an established review process, and lack of external support. The findings point out where practitioners actually need further support with respect to achieving high-quality test cases and test suites under different software testing contexts. Hence, the findings can serve as a guideline for academic researchers when looking for research directions on the topic. Furthermore, the findings can be used to encourage companies to provide more support to practitioners to achieve high-quality test cases and test suites.

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  • Javed, Asim
    et al.
    Times Institute, Pakistan .
    Ramay, Sadaqat Ali
    Times Institute, Pakistan .
    Abbas, Tahir
    Times Institute, Pakistan .
    Javeed, Ashir
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för hälsa.
    Saeed, Shabaz
    Times Institute, Pakistan .
    Akbar, Wasif
    Emerson University, Pakistan.
    Optimizing Mortality Prediction in Cardiac Patients Using Genetic Algorithm and Random Forest with Class Imbalance Handling2024Inngår i: Dialogue Social Science Review (DSSR), ISSN 3007-3146, Vol. 2, nr 3, s. 162-175Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study presented a decision support system based on data mining and machine learning techniques for accurate prediction of cardiac patients' deaths because resources in the hospitals are limited; therefore, appropriate allocation of resources will improve the survivability of cardiac patients. Data mining techniques are widely used by researchers to uncover hidden information and patterns that could potentially save or prolong patient lives. Age, gender, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and irregular heartbeat rates are some of the variables considered for this study. This study used medical health records data from 368 observations with 55 unique features. This work presents a machine learning-based approach for predicting cardiac patient death by employing an electronic health record (EHR) dataset. The constructed model is based on a genetic algorithm (GA) for selecting important features from the dataset and a Random Forest (RF) model for classifying mortality in cardiac patients. The hyperparameters of RF models were optimized using a grid search algorithm for improved performance of RF. A public dataset was obtained in order to evaluate the efficacy of the constructed GA_RF model. One of the problems that we encountered during this study was imbalance classes in the collected dataset. The machine learning models tend to bias toward the majority class in the dataset. To overcome this problem, the Random Under Sampling (RUS) method was employed. The performance of the constructed GA_RF model was tested on several evaluation metrics, and results validate the effectiveness of the proposed GA_RF model for mortality prediction in cardiac patients.

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  • Ambele, Raiton Malema
    et al.
    Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania .
    Trojer, Lena
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för teknik och estetik.
    Kaijage, Shubi Felix
    Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania .
    Dida, Mussa Ally
    Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania .
    Towards Personalised Learning in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania2024Inngår i: International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, E-ISSN 2454-8006, Vol. 10, nr 12, s. 37-49Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines the challenges and students’perceptions of adopting and implementing e-learning in Tanzanian universities to facilitate the shift towards personalised learning. Although technology and online courses provide chances to customise training for unique student requirements, challenges impede the successful incorporation of e-learning in Tanzanian higher education, particularly regarding user training and technical support. The absence of crucial amenities for online education, such as computer laboratories and dependable internet connectivity, exacerbates the challenges in executing implementation endeavours.

    We employed a mixed-methods approach to investigate universities’preparedness for implementing e-learning and evaluate the impact of e-learning platforms and Artificial Intelligence(AI) in facilitating personalised learning experiences.

    Our findings emphasise the significance of tackling identified obstacles to enhance education quality and provide a basis for customised learning. Subsequent studies should focus on filling the existing voids to improve the incorporation of artificial intelligence in e-learning platforms, explicitly addressing the obstacles faced by universities in underdeveloped nations. The study suggests that institutions should allocate resources towards developing e-learning infrastructure, offer extensive training for instructors, and create customised e-learning methods.

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  • Disputas: 2025-02-28 13:00 J1630, Karlskrona
    Frattini, Julian
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för programvaruteknik.
    Good-Enough Requirements Engineering2025Doktoravhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: High-quality requirements are considered crucial for successful software development endeavors as the requirements' purpose is to inform subsequent activities like implementation or testing. Requirements quality defects have been shown to incur significant costs for remediation, scaling up even to project failure. At the same time, the effort to improve the quality of requirements must be justified. Organizations developing software, therefore, need to understand when their requirements artifacts are of "good enough'' quality, i.e., they need to be able to identify the optimum between over- and under-engineering.

    Problem: The body of knowledge in requirements quality does not yet offer solutions that would allow organizations to identify that optimum due to three shortcomings: (1) there is no generally accepted, theoretical foundation to describe requirements quality that can serve as a basis to coordinate distributed research efforts and the synthesis of evidence in the field, (2) the scientific practice currently applied in the field is of limited rigor to draw reliable conclusions from existing empirical contributions, and (3) the field lacks empirical evidence that can be aggregated to form a holistic view of requirements quality. These are potential causes for the lack of adoption of requirements quality research in practice.

    Goal: In this cumulative, publication-based thesis, we address these three shortcomings and aim to contribute to a more evidence-based approach to requirements quality research grounded in scientific theory.

    Method: First, we develop a theoretical foundation by adopting and integrating existing software engineering theories. Second, we evaluate the state of the art of data analysis and open science in the field and provide guidelines to improve these practices. Third, we demonstrate the application of these guidelines and conduct a controlled experiment to contribute additional empirical evidence to the field.

    Results: The resulting set of analytical theories specifies requirements quality and provides a structure for future empirical contributions. Our evaluation of the state of the art shows both the need for a common theoretical foundation as well as support for applying rigorous research practices. Our empirical studies contribute to these needs and illustrate the complexity of the impact that requirements quality defects have on subsequent activities. Finally, we develop a method for the effective aggregation of empirical results.

    Conclusion: Our theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions help to coordinate a productive and constructive research agenda on requirements quality that is based on evidence and grounded in theory. This allows for rigorous and practically relevant research that ultimately informs organizations on how to engineer good-enough requirements.

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  • Lifelo, Zita
    et al.
    University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
    Ding, Jianguo
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för datavetenskaper, Institutionen för datavetenskap.
    Ning, Huansheng
    University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
    University of Science and Technology Beijing, China.
    Dhelim, Sahraoui
    Dublin City University, Ireland.
    Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Metaverse for Sustainable Smart Cities: Technologies, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions2024Inngår i: Electronics, E-ISSN 2079-9292, Vol. 13, nr 24, artikkel-id 4874Artikkel, forskningsoversikt (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    Rapid urbanisation has intensified the need for sustainable solutions to address challenges in urban infrastructure, climate change, and resource constraints. This study reveals that Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled metaverse offers transformative potential for developing sustainable smart cities. AI techniques, such as machine learning, deep learning, generative AI (GAI), and large language models (LLMs), enhance the metaverse’s capabilities in data analysis, urban decision making, and personalised user experiences. The study further examines how these advanced AI models facilitate key metaverse technologies such as big data analytics, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, digital twins, Internet of Things (IoT), Edge AI, and 5G/6G networks. Applications across various smart city domains—environment, mobility, energy, health, governance, and economy, and real-world use cases of virtual cities like Singapore, Seoul, and Lisbon are presented, demonstrating AI’s effectiveness in the metaverse for smart cities. However, AI-enabled metaverse in smart cities presents challenges related to data acquisition and management, privacy, security, interoperability, scalability, and ethical considerations. These challenges’ societal and technological implications are discussed, highlighting the need for robust data governance frameworks and AI ethics guidelines. Future directions emphasise advancing AI model architectures and algorithms, enhancing privacy and security measures, promoting ethical AI practices, addressing performance measures, and fostering stakeholder collaboration. By addressing these challenges, the full potential of AI-enabled metaverse can be harnessed to enhance sustainability, adaptability, and livability in smart cities. 

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  • Abbas, Zeshan
    et al.
    Shenzhen Polytechnic University, China.
    Zhao, Lun
    Shenzhen Polytechnic University, China.
    Jiaqi, Zeng
    Shenzhen Polytechnic University, China.
    Kao-Walter, Sharon
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för maskinteknik.
    Qi, Xiaozhi
    Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
    Bonding analysis of ultrasonic welded multi-wire joints with additional root gaps2025Inngår i: Alexandria Engineering Journal, ISSN 1110-0168, E-ISSN 2090-2670, Vol. 116, s. 20-34Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This work presents four sets of welded multi-wires on Cu sheet (e.g., A-(95/95mm2), B-(35, 35, 25/35, 35, 25 mm2), C-(50, 35, 10/50, 35, 10 mm2), D-(35, 35, 25/50, 35, 10 mm2)) using ultrasonic wire harness welding (USWW). Forming quality of multi-wire joint, examination of microstructures, root gaps influence, fractographic analysis and surface micro-topography were investigated and clarified. Tensile strength and microhardness of samples in B-(35, 35, 25/35, 35, 25 mm2) increases up to peak load (6527.7 N and 484.5 HV) under welding energy of 1000 J. Tensile strength of B-(35, 35, 25/35, 35, 25 mm2/(6527.7 N)) is 29.2 % higher than A-(95/95mm2/(3681 N)) under effect of root gap. Maximum hardness of Cu plate in group B was obtained 484.5HV and maximum hardness of sample reached 363.2HV and 251HV in group C and A respectively. Stability of sample in group B is generally increased by 20.5 % compared to A3, C5 and D2. Failure displacement of joint A3 is 35 % higher than joint B1. Failure displacement of joint C5 is 15 % higher than joint D2. EDS analysis experienced Cu content at welded interface is higher compared to rest of locations which generates more fine grains structures to increase strength and weldability of joints. Kathmatic microscope investigated microtopographical features in group B sample wherein regular surface size was measured to be approximately 10μm. A standard root gap allows welded sheet to penetrate amid multi-wires being joined tightly and ensures a strong bond in group B. 

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  • Stefanan, Aline Armanini
    et al.
    Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil.
    Palm, Bruna
    Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Fakulteten för teknikvetenskaper, Institutionen för matematik och naturvetenskap.
    Bayer, Fabio M.
    Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil.
    Zero-Inflated Rayleigh Dynamic Model for Non-Negative Signals2024Inngår i: IEEE Access, E-ISSN 2169-3536, Vol. 12, s. 187099-187111Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    This study proposes a zero-inflated Rayleigh seasonal autoregressive moving average model with exogenous regressors (iRSARMAX) to model and forecast non-negative time series, accommodating the presence of zero values. The proposed iRSARMAX models the conditional mean of the continuous part of the mixture distribution by using a dynamic structure that considers stochastic seasonality, autoregressive and moving average terms, exogenous regressors, and a link function. It also models the mixture parameters related to the inflated (zero) values with a parsimonious dynamic structure. Furthermore, the analytical score vector was deduced and considered in the conditional maximum likelihood estimation of the introduced model parameters. The analytical Fisher information matrix was obtained and used for hypothesis testing and interval inferences for the parameters of the proposed model. Randomized quantile residuals were considered, and goodness-of-fit tests were implemented to validate the model. An extensive simulation study was performed to evaluate the performance of conditional likelihood inference over the model parameters for finite sample sizes. The proposed model excelled compared to the traditional seasonal autoregressive and moving average model and the Holt-Winters filtering in forecasting influent flow. In addition, it outperformed competitors in predicting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image data. 

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